Nordic Countries Strive to Return Migrants to Their Origins

Governments of Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Norway and Iceland agreed to strengthen cooperation to return immigrants without legal residence to their countries of origin, ministers from the five countries said during an October 31 press conference in Copenhagen.

The attachés will meet regularly and together strengthen cooperation with third countries in order to better carry out returns to the countries in question and provide reintegration support.
—Danish Immigration Ministry

The countries agreed to cooperate on joint flights for people without legal residence from “a Nordic country to a third country,” the Danish statement said.

Anti-immigration: Denmark has led the way in creating stricter immigration policies in the past decade, drawing strong criticism from the United Nations and human rights groups. However, anti-immigration sentiments are becoming more popular in the Nordic region.

The Swedish government wants to follow the Danish model as the country struggles with violence caused by “an irresponsible immigration policy and a failed integration,” Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson said.

Finland’s new coalition government has also made efforts to reduce immigration by cutting refugee quotas and making it more difficult for foreigners to obtain citizenship.

The Trumpet said: In the first six months of 2023, more than half a million migrants applied for asylum within the European Union. As the war in Israel rages and the fear of Islamic terrorism increases, Europe is becoming less tolerant toward these predominantly Muslim migrants. Bible prophecy shows that this will soon lead to Europe clashing with radical Islam.

Learn more: Read “Europe Rejects Multiculturalism for Anti-Islamism.”