Battleground States Look to Swing Right to Trump

Republican presidential candidate, former U.S. President Donald Trump on November 04, 2023 in Kissimmee, Florida.
Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Battleground States Look to Swing Right to Trump

Donald Trump leads Joe Biden in five of the six most vital battleground states in a statistically probable rematch of 2020’s presidential election.

A poll published Sunday from the New York Times and Siena College projects Trump to win Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada and Pennsylvania and for Biden to win Wisconsin.

The average percentage gap from state to state is four points in Trump’s favor—48 percent for Trump, 44 percent for Biden. The poll’s margin of error averaged 4.4 percent to 4.8 percent, which is larger than Trump’s projected lead in Pennsylvania.

The findings: Some statistics discovered by the poll:

  • Biden’s lead among Hispanic voters is down to single digits.
  • Black voters in these states now support Trump at 22 percent, a previously unseen number for a Republican in modern times.
  • Trump’s advantage in rural areas is double Biden’s edge in urban areas.
  • Voters under 30 support Biden by only a single percentage point.

The 2024 presidential election is less than a year away. Trends in these swing states will only grow in significance as we approach Nov. 5, 2024. Without the electoral votes from these six states in 2020, Biden would not be in the White House today. Next year’s results from these states will greatly determine who runs the country until 2029.

Prophesied return: On Nov. 6, 2021, Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry said we would see a turning of the tide in American politics from the left to the right. Sunday’s statistics show that tide changing today. At its end, President Trump will have fought his way back into the Oval Office—so says your Bible.

The Bible contains prophecies about Donald Trump, Barack Obama and other political figures in the world today. Your Bible says that President Trump will return to the White House, as Mr. Flurry proves in America Under Attack. No man or political party can stop God from fulfilling His will. America’s further swing right is leading to Trump’s recovery of the presidency, as foretold in Bible prophecy.