Barack Obama and America’s LGBT Foreign Policy
Since taking office in 2008, Barack Obama has led a continuous push to entrench lesbian-gay-bisexual-transgender (lgbt) values into the United States, all while deceiving the American public of his intentions to do so. During his campaign leading up to the 2008 election, Obama claimed he was not in favor of same-sex “marriage,” though his former political strategist David Axelrod wrote in 2015 that this was a pretense.
In 2011, Obama said he would no longer defend the Defense of Marriage Act and repealed the military’s “Don’t ask, don’t tell” policy. In May 2012, he became the first president in U.S. history to openly support homosexual marriage.
While Obama worked to normalize lgbt lifestyles in the United States, he used the State Department, billions of dollars of taxpayer funds and America’s diplomatic corps to promote that lifestyle around the world. Now 15 years on, Obama is out of office, but his lgbt agenda never stopped.
Laying the Foundation
The year Barack Obama took office, the State Department added a section on “Violence Based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity” to its annual country reports. As the Family Research Council noted, “its inclusion marked a radical shift in the focus of the documents.” In 2011, Obama signed a presidential memorandum “directing all agencies engaged abroad to ensure that U.S. diplomacy and foreign assistance promote and protect the human rights of lgbt persons.” From that point on, the U.S. has used its diplomatic power to “vigorously advance this goal” worldwide. The president ordered these overseas agencies to “strengthen existing efforts to effectively combat the criminalization by foreign governments of lgbt.”
Immediately afterward, U.S. embassies around the world began organizing “pride” events in host countries, usually to the opposition and outcry of those living there. Government funds flowed into pro-lgbt groups around the world. Because they came under the umbrella of “human rights” funding, they were free from the usual rules of public disclosure.
At the same time, money from the U.S. Agency for International Development (usaid) was diverted into lgbt groups worldwide. In 2014, usaid announced, “Already, our agency has pioneered innovative ways to integrate lgbt considerations into our work ….” The agency responsible for helping the economic development of poorer nations was taking responsibility for funding lgbt advancements. “Simply put,” usaid stated, “lgbt discrimination stifles innovation, curbs economic growth, and locks people into the devastating cycle of extreme poverty.”
‘Deep State’ Continuation and Biden Acceleration
When Obama left the White House, his work of advancing lgbt values through U.S. diplomacy did not. While the Trump administration did not put out any documents for the advancing of lgbt policies, “the permanent foreign-policy bureaucracies appear to have become committed to advancing lgbt policies and other social justice agendas under the guise of development and human rights policy,” according to the Family Research Council.
During the Trump administration, the work Obama had started continued, even if slowed. The Trump administration tried to scale back efforts to promote lgbt ideology abroad by launching a 2019 State Department commission to examine which human rights to defend. In response, four human rights groups sued the State Department. They claimed federal law requires a balance of views in an advisory committee, and that the committee was stacked with too many religious conservatives who would undermine support for lgbt groups abroad.
When Joe Biden took power, he immediately pressed forward Obama’s agenda. Just a few weeks after taking office, on Feb. 4, 2021, Biden issued a memorandum titled “Advancing the Human Rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Intersex Persons Around the World.” Not only was it one of his first memorandums, but it was given a “national security memorandum” number. Joe Biden set the advancement of lgbt rights around the world as a matter of national security.
More that just promoting the lgbt agenda, it was now America’s duty to lead the charge. The memorandum stated:
The United States belongs at the forefront of this struggle—speaking out and standing strong for our most dearly held values. It shall be the policy of the United States to pursue an end to discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or sex characteristics, and to lead by the power of our example in the cause of advancing the human rights of lgbtqi+ persons around the world.
An Epoch Times investigation found that during Biden’s time in power, $4.1 billion has been spent on lgbt-promoting projects in America and abroad. usaid requested $2.6 billion for its 2023 budget to be spent on foreign assistance programs that are pro-lgbt, more than double what it requested the previous year for similar programs. Examples of how that money is being spent include the following:
- $19,808 to nongovernmental organization Queer Montenegro to introduce Gay Straight Alliance clubs in Montenegrin schools
- $24,000 to stage a gay film festival in South Korea
- $32,000 to produce a comic “featuring an lgbtq+ hero” in Peru
- $42,000 for the homosexual classical group the Well-Strung Quartet to perform in Kazakhstan
- $20,600 to a nongovernmental organization in Ecuador to host three workshops, 12 drag theater performances, and produce a 2-minute documentary
In addition to using taxpayer funds, the Biden administration has used diplomacy to put pressure on other nations to accept lgbt persons around the world. During the Obama administration, the role of U.S. Special Envoy to Advance the Human Rights of lgbtqi+ Persons was created within the State Department. That role remained empty during the Trump presidency, but the Biden administration filled it within a few months of taking office.
Additional diplomatic pressure is put on other nations through the annual countries reports. In 2022, the State Department expanded the section introduced by Obama in 2009. The report condemns nearly every country in the world for so-called inadequate freedoms for lgbt individuals. It criticizes everything from private prayers of families to voluntary Christian counseling services to lack of recognition of marriage rights and being unable to designate preferred gender on official documents.
As the Family Research Council reports:
For example, the Kazakhstan Country Report noted, “Some families and private religious practitioners engaged in prayers and religious ceremonies intended to alter the sexual orientation or gender identities of lgbtqi+ individuals.” The fact that families pray for a relative who identifies as lgbt hardly seems to warrant mention in a U.S. State Department report about human rights.
Fundamental Transformation
United States diplomacy and foreign aid have, overall, been a force for a lot of good in the world—until recently. The world as a whole has benefited from American taxpayers. But so much of that began to change as part of the policies enacted by Barack Obama. Since his election, America’s power and prestige have been eroded by policies that have alienated America’s allies and emboldened its enemies. The vast majority of the world simply does not agree with America’s stance regarding lgbt ideology.
America today is not what it was even just a few years ago. While the nation has undergone a fundamental transformation of its moral landscape, largely at the hands of one man, the nation as a whole has quickly gone along to accept much of the moral transformation pushed on them. The nation, which was supposed to be “the shining city on a hill,” is now blasting the Earth with abhorrent evil.
In Ezekiel 5, God gives a glaring warning to the modern-day nations of Israel, primarily the United States and Britain. In this prophecy, God uses the city of Jerusalem, the capital of ancient Israel, as a symbol for the nations of Israel today. Ezekiel 5 details the horrifying punishment God will bring upon our nations and why He will bring it: Instead of being an example to the world of God’s way of life (Deuteronomy 4:5-8), the nations of Israel have become worse in their evil than the nations around them (Ezekiel 5:5-9). This prophecy is being fulfilled before your eyes. What nation promotes lgbt ideology more than the United States? (If you want to understand the prophecy in Ezekiel 5 in greater detail and how it will soon impact your life personally, request and study our free book Ezekiel—The End-Time Prophet.)
Great calamity is coming to the nations of Israel because of our sins. But God promises in Ezekiel 5 that there is a group of people He will protect (verse 3). God’s desire is for man to turn from sin and to live God’s way, not have to suffer the consequences and curses brought about by disobedience. God is offering anyone willing to repent protection from what is prophesied to come. We pray you heed this message.