Iran Helped Hamas Develop Cruise Missiles

Iran is aiding Hamas in developing precision-guided cruise missiles, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced on January 7, the three-month anniversary of Hamas’s invasion of Israel.

Israeli troops found evidence in an underground weapons manufacturing plant in Gaza. This further shows that Iran is directly supporting the terrorists fighting Israel.

Soldiers found “components proving terrorists of the Hamas terror organization studied under Iranian guidance how to operate and build precision components and strategic weapons,” Netanyahu said.

Before this, Hamas’s projectile arsenal was believed to be comprised of mostly unguided rockets, with only a small selection of short-range missiles having guided capabilities. The new discovery shows that Iran is helping Hamas make a significant upgrade that will enable it to inflict much more terror on Israel.

Head of the snake: The Trumpet has said since the beginning of this war that Hamas was directly supported by Iran (contrary to what some Western officials claimed).

Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry has pointed to specific prophecies to show that Iran is the main power behind radical Islam. By studying these prophecies, you can prove who Iran is in Bible prophecy and know where it is headed.

Learn more: Read Mr. Flurry’s free booklet The King of the South.