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Japan to Sell Fighter Jets in Further Break From Postwar Pacifist Principles

Japan’s cabinet approved a plan on March 26 to export new fighter jets it is producing with Britain and Italy, marking the country’s latest move away from the pacifist policies it was forced to adopt after its World War ii defeat.

Japan’s export rules were eased to allow sales to other countries that have defense deals with Japan, as long as the other nations are not directly involved in conflict. The new rules are expected to help build up the Japanese arms industry and boost the country’s role in global affairs.

Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshimasa Hayashi said the changes are “necessary” to “avoid jeopardizing the defense of Japan.”

Pacifist Constitution? After World War ii, the United States forced Japan to adopt a Constitution that banned force as a means of settling international disputes. Its Constitution did not officially recognize the military and included a weapons export ban, which was first eased in 2014.

The export rules were further eased in December 2023, when Japan lifted a ban on the sale of lethal weapons it makes under foreign licenses.

Prophecy says: Japan has found ways to quietly circumvent and bend the Constitution’s pacifist principles, and it now has one of the world’s most powerful militaries. Those pacifist principles will continue to fade as Japan remilitarizes amid rising global tensions.

Though many of Japan’s moves toward military modernization are driven by fear of China, North Korea and Russia, the Bible indicates Japan will soon ally with other Asian nations to form the largest army mankind has ever seen.

Learn more: Read our Trends article “Why the Trumpet Watches Japan’s March Toward Militarism.”

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