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Americans Buy More Than a Million Firearms Every Month

As millions of illegal immigrants pour across the United States’ southern border and politicians continue to talk about firearm confiscation, gun sales are booming. According to the latest report from the National Shooting Sports Foundation, Americans bought more than 1 million guns in March.

Over the past 20 years, background checks for firearm purchases have more than doubled from 600,000 per month in 2004 to over 1.4 million per month in 2024. That’s four times the rate of growth of America’s population.

Growing arsenal: According to, Americans owned 400 million firearms in 2017. Factoring in recent gun sales indicates that there may be 500 million firearms in America today; that is about 1.5 guns per person. But only about a third of Americans own guns, so the reality is that most gun owners have multiple firearms.

Contrary to the urban myth that rising gun sales are behind mass shootings, research indicates that 94 percent of mass public shootings in the U.S. occur in gun-free zones. In normal times, civilian gun ownership can act as a crime deterrent. Yet it can exacerbate bloodshed in times of war.

Riots prophesied: A sobering prophecy in Ezekiel 5:12 reveals that one third of the population of end-time America and Britain will die from pestilence, famine and violence. That means more than 100 million people will die from rioting and fighting in the United States.

Learn more: Request our free book Ezekiel—The End-Time Prophet for an explanation of this prophecy.

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