U.S. to Pull Troops From Niger and Chad


The United States is preparing to withdraw the majority of its soldiers from the African nations of Niger and Chad, the Pentagon said on April 25. The African governments want to renegotiate the rules and conditions under which the U.S. military can operate.

Niger: American troops in both African countries have long helped counter terrorist groups including al Qaeda and the Islamic State, but Niger’s ruling junta now wants to end its defense agreement with the U.S., which has allowed 1,000 soldiers to operate in the country.

At the end of last year, Niger demonstrated its determination to reduce Western influence by kicking out 1,500 French soldiers.

Chad: The relocation of approximately 60 U.S. Special Operations personnel from Chad to Germany was completed on Tuesday. The withdrawal was prompted by a letter by Chadian officials to the U.S. defense attaché last month that threatened to cancel the Status of Forces Agreement between the two.

Turn to Russia and Iran: This development is not just a loss for the U.S. but a victory for Russia and Iran. Several African nations have welcomed Russia’s state-funded Wagner mercenaries. Iran will likely benefit from the coup in Niger last year. Both countries will continue to benefit from uranium mines and other natural resources in Africa in exchange for their military and diplomatic support.

Bible prophecy shows we should expect Europe to step up its efforts in the Sahel region. To learn where this will lead, read “Why Niger Is a Catastrophe for the World.”