Dinesh D’Souza Interview: Targeted by Barack Obama

Reese Zoellner/Trumpet

Dinesh D’Souza Interview: Targeted by Barack Obama

The federal government is now a weapon against American citizens. Whose finger is on the trigger?

Dinesh D’Souza knows what it’s like to be targeted by the federal government, and by one man in particular. Well before Barack Obama’s regime went after Carter Page, George Papadopoulos and Donald Trump, it went after author and filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza. Allegedly, his crime was violating campaign finance law, an infraction he admitted to, when giving too much of his own money to a friend running for office. But this type of crime is rarely prosecuted and even more rarely punished with an eight-month prison sentence. At the time, D’Souza had recently released the documentary Obama’s America, which exposes Obama’s plan to deliberately weaken America. Is the real reason for D’Souza’s conviction the fact that Barack Obama uses the government like his own personal weapon?

I sat down with D’Souza on May 6 at our Trumpet Daily studio for an exclusive interview that covered a range of topics, including the 2020 election, election fraud and Barack Hussein Obama.

Dinesh D’Souza: “This is a guy who makes up his own past, he fictionalizes his own history. And so, you can’t trust the book Dreams From My Father, which was Obama’s [autobiography]. I read that book very carefully. In fact, I saw in that book a series of ideological formations and commitments completely different from what the media was saying about Obama. … He has spun his story in a way that makes him the quintessential American. Even though his real story, he’s the quintessential anti-American.

“The relevance of [Obama’s autobiography] is that Obama has still got his fingers in the pie. First of all, he lives in Washington, D.C. Kind of odd, right? Here’s a guy who has served two terms. You’d think he would go someplace else, live out the rest of his life. No, he wants to run things. He said on video, not very long ago, that he wouldn’t mind a third term: He doesn’t necessarily want to serve it himself, but he wouldn’t mind whispering into the ear of somebody else who would carry out his orders. Maybe that’s what he’s doing now.

“You would think that there would be a kind of attempt to investigate and monitor what are the connections between Obama [and the White House], the kind of ‘Obama circle’ of prominent people who served with Obama, who are now serving with Biden. In other words, isn’t there a kind of a web going on? And what is Obama’s own role in that web? …

“People were voting against Obama’s legacy when they decided to bring in Trump. And so, Obama has a great stake in not only his own presidency, but in in saving the Obama agenda and in moving it forward. I believe that, to a large degree, that is what’s happening under Biden.”

We also talked about his documentary filmmaking, which has revolved around exposing the radical left.

D’Souza: “It’s a little difficult to make a movie about what’s happening now because things are rapidly changing and it is almost impossible to predict what’s going to happen. Is it possible that Biden will be pulled off the ticket? It’s possible. It would require Biden really plummeting in the polls. Trump is 15 points ahead. Democrats are like: There’s no pathway to success with this guy. Maybe there would be an effort to intervene.

“Is it possible that Trump will not only be convicted with all the guilty headlines all over the country and the world, but be incarcerated, so the Republican nominee for president in a democratic society is in jail? That’s a possibility. Is it a likelihood? I don’t know. This is not a normal type of election year where you can just say, Alright, I’ll capture what’s going on, because there’s almost no way to know what’s going to happen.”

D’Souza’s movie about fraud in the 2020 election, 2000 Mules, showed in theaters, was heavily censored and ignited a firestorm of controversy that continues to this day. We talked about how radical-leftist elites are changing the strategy from 2020 after they were exposed (although still not punished). Leftists can’t beat President Trump at the ballot box, so I asked if indictments, prosecutions, legal threats and other forms of “lawfare” are now the top strategy for keeping him from returning to the White House.

D’Souza: “Yeah, I think it is, because it is the only kind of guaranteed way. The other ways might work in a close election, but they would not work in a not-close election. You can’t get homeless votes and nursing home votes and tip. You couldn’t have done that to tip Reagan over Carter or to change the outcome of Reagan versus Mondale, because Reagan won in a landslide: He won 49 states against Mondale.

“I think that the mule strategy worked partly because of covid and partly because Republicans are so sluggish that Democrats could say, ‘Well, I don’t think these guys will even wake up to what’s happening, at least until much later when you can’t do anything about it.’ The Democrats are too smart to replay the exact same strategy.”

After publishing a number of books, including national bestsellers, D’Souza turned to filmmaking to get his message out. The most recent is Police State, but the most popular remains the first one: Obama’s America.

Dinesh D’Souza: “Yeah, I think partly it was because it was new. I mean, the conservatives were not making documentary films for the most part. There’d been a couple of Christian documentary films. But a political documentary in wide release—in other words, in 2,000 theaters—was just a spectacle. And people were like, Wow. Not to mention the fact that the film had an unexpected angle on Obama.

“Obama is really not so much of a civil rights guy; he’s an anti-colonial guy. Well, what’s an anti-colonial guy? What does that mean? And so, the film becomes an exposition of that. So that film is now the second-most successful political documentary after Michael Moore’s Fahrenheit 911.”

I asked how 2000 Mules, released in 2022, changed people’s perception of what America had actually undergone in the 2020 election. He responded that he had gotten Rasmussen Reports in order to find out.

D’Souza: “The results are very striking because they show that, first of all, a lot of people have either seen the film or are familiar with it. They’re familiar with what it’s about and what’s in it. Number two, a decisive majority of Republicans and a substantial minority of Independents and Democrats all think the 2020 election was stolen. Now, they might argue about if Trump was the true winner. But my point is the idea that this was the most secure election in history, that has been exposed as laughably absurd. No one could actually see this footage and agree with that statement.

“I’m an expert on election fraud in the sense that if I’d been studying the topic for years. True the Vote was the organization that was our research and expert consultants for the movie: They’ve been at this for 10 years. They will tell you that they think that there’s vulnerability in the machines. They will tell you that there were all kinds of shenanigans that went on; some of them probable, some of them you can’t be sure. So, for example, some of the boarding up of the windows.

“To this date, we have no plausible explanation for the simultaneous stopping of the count in multiple independent states. They’re all supposed to be running their own vote. How did they all decide to do that? Like within minutes, if not hours, of each other, that We’re all going to stop the count and pick it up tomorrow morning. That’s inherently suspicious. No one has ever given a reasonable explanation for either how or even why that happened. …

“I wanted the film to say, ‘Alright, I’m not pretending to know about all types of fraud. I’m going to pick the one type that I think can be definitively established, and established by two independent lines of evidence that don’t always cross. But when they do cross, they will corroborate each other. And those are two lines of evidence that you yourself can be at least to some degree familiar with if I talk about cell phone geotracking.

“[C]ell phone geotracking works: You don’t have a murder case in the country today where they don’t track the guy’s phone. So, in fact, I heard someone talking on tv the other day and they were talking about criminal cases. They go, Listen, these days, juries are not even really that into eyewitness evidence. The evidence that they want is dna or they want blood evidence. Or they want cell phone geotracking, or they want surveillance video. And guess what? Cell phone geotracking and surveillance video are the two types of evidence we use in 2000 Mules.”

I’ve pointed out in previous Trumpet Daily episodes that people tried to ridicule D’Souza for relying on cell phone geotracking, yet the Department of Justice relied heavily on this same obviously credible technology to bolster its largest prosecution of all time against January 6 protesters who entered the Capitol.

D’Souza: “Right. If you look at these charging documents, they don’t just say, Oh, well, you know that this guy showed up in the general vicinity of the Capitol. They say he was 10 feet inside the door. So in other words, they’re trying to show he wasn’t just outside the building, he was in the building; and they use his phone to try to pinpoint where he was. This is extremely reliable technology, obviously getting better by the day. And when you’re talking about drop boxes, you don’t even need a precision of 10 feet, because the drop boxes are scattered all over the place. So if I can show that you are, let’s say, within 50 feet of eight different drop boxes on a kind of mailman-style route, you’d be hard pressed to give me an explanation for why you did that. Why does your cell phone move at a steady pace, obviously driving, stop at a drop box, stay there for five minutes, whatever, move on to the next one, stop, and then keep going? What’s the explanation for that?

“Well, with 2000 Mules, there was a supreme effort to discredit the film. You probably heard about Bill Barr dismissing the film. And these are not people who have serious points to make. In other words, it’s not that Bill Barr is offering any kind of critique of the film. Absolutely not. His main tool of derision was just like chuckling: Ha, ha, ha, ha. But that really won’t do. If anyone has seen the film, you realize there’s just enough there that you can’t write it off like that. That’s just not going to work.”

Watch “Interview With Dinesh D’Souza—Part 1: Targeted by Obama” on the Trumpet Daily at Rumble and theTrumpet.com.