Hamas Plans Turkish Base

Hamas plans to set up a secret base in Turkey to coordinate attacks against Israeli targets, according to a document captured by the Israel Defense Forces in Gaza and revealed by the Times on Monday.

The base would give Hamas greater range in its anti-Semitic schemes.

Details: The document, titled “Founding a Base in Turkey,” was found in the home of Hamza Abu Shanab, chief of staff to Yahya Sinwar, Hamas’s leader in Gaza. The document revealed Hamas intentions to attack Israeli targets in nato countries.

Hamas needs new bases because Israel’s success in Gaza has “put Hamas on the defensive,” the report said. So Hamas initiated a three-year plan to set up the base as a staging ground for:

  • Assassinating “influential Israelis”
  • Sabotaging Israeli naval vessels
  • Kidnapping Israelis

It is unknown whether the plan started before the October 7 attack.

Prophesied alliance: The Bible prophesies of an end-time alliance between European and Arab countries, and it specifically mentions modern Gaza and Turkey. This alliance will eventually take part in the largest Middle Eastern conflict in history, resulting in a nuclear World War iii.

Learn more: Read “A Mysterious Prophecy,” by Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry.