Ireland, Spain and Norway Recognize Palestinian State

Ireland, Spain and Norway announced today that they will formally recognize a Palestinian state on May 28. Slovenia, Malta and Belgium have indicated they might do the same.

The three nations argue that the only possible political solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict is to have two states living side by side.

We hope that our recognition and our reasons contribute to other Western countries to follow this path, because the more we are, the more strength we will have to impose a ceasefire, to achieve the release of the hostages held by Hamas, to relaunch the political process that can lead to a peace agreement.
—Pedro Sanchez, prime minister of Spain

Israel’s response: By ordering the immediate return of Israeli ambassadors from the three countries, Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz sent a clear message: “Israel will not be complacent against those who undermine its sovereignty and endanger its security.”

Israel vs. world: Out of the 193 United Nations members, 144 already recognize Palestine as its own state. This explains why the UN council could dedicate a minute of silence to the late Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, nicknamed “the Butcher of Tehran.”

On October 7, the world seemed set to rally around Israel. Now it’s rallying against them. To learn more, read our article “The Enemies of Jerusalem.”