China Providing ‘Lethal Aid’ to Russian Forces in Ukraine, UK Says

China is sending large amounts of “lethal aid” to Russian forces invading Ukraine, British Secretary of State for Defense Grant Shapps said on May 22.

He said Britain has evidence of China selling “significant” quantities of sanctions-violating “combat equipment” to Russia, but declined to reveal specifics. The news comes as Russia wages a new offensive in the northeast of Ukraine, pummeling the nation’s second-largest city of Kharkiv with glide bombs and missiles. And it’s happening thanks in part to Chinese support of Russia.

Russia and China are “covering each other’s back,” Shapps said. He stressed that the nations of the West must wake up to the truth about the nightmarish goals of the Russia-China alliance:

Putin and his autocrat friends have a completely different world outlook to Western democracies. It is bad enough their own populations have to suffer stifled rights and freedoms, but it is unthinkable that they could force their vision of world order on us. It’s time for democracies to really wake up to this reality.

The Trumpet said: The significant level of support China provides to Russia’s illegal war effort has caught some unawares, particularly since it violates sanctions and jeopardizes the Western trade that China’s economy relies so heavily on. But the Trumpet has warned for decades that Russian-Chinese cooperation would increase, to the detriment of world peace.

Asia Still Stands With Putin” lays out why we have long maintained this forecast:

Ezekiel 38:2 foretold the Russian power we now see rising, led by a rō’š nāśî’ (or “prince of Russia”). This scripture also mentions “the land of Magog,” which includes modern China and other nations. This indicates that this Russian leader will rally other Asian peoples behind Moscow.

The prophecy Ezekiel recorded was for the end time. It specifies that Russia will be the leader of this massive Asian alliance. That is a key to understanding today’s geopolitics. …

Another key scripture to understand is Revelation 9:16, a prophecy that the end-time “kings of the east” Asian power bloc will field the largest military in history. It comes from the same regions described in Ezekiel 38, and China, India and Russia have the only populations that could produce a combined army of 200 million troops.

An armed force of 200 million men is considerably more than Russia could ever field from its own population. But once the hundreds of millions from China are factored in, amassing an army of that size under “Prince” Vladimir Putin’s leadership becomes easily attainable.

Learn more: Read “Asia Still Stands With Putin.”