South Africa Elections Project Dramatic Political Shift

South Africa’s parliamentary elections could result in “the most dramatic political shift since the end of apartheid,” Reuters said on May 29. Early results suggest that the African National Congress (anc) could lose the majority it has held for 30 years.

At the time of writing, the anc has received 43.4 percent of the vote, with the pro-business Democratic Alliance at 24.9 percent. While the anc will still be the largest party in power, it will have to form an alliance with one of its major rival parties if its share of the vote remains below 50 percent.

Such a situation could lead to political upheaval in the coming weeks or months. “[T]he ultimate risk is that the infighting could make governance ineffective,” said Simon Harvey, head of foreign exchange analysis at Monex Europe.

anc leader Cyril Ramaphosa is expected to stay in office.

Cursed country: In 1991, former President Nelson Mandela led the anc in negotiations with his predecessor Frederik Willem de Klerk to end apartheid and bring about a “nonracial democracy” in South Africa. Much of the world praised Mandela. But as the anc continued to lead the nation, it failed to solve the country’s worsening problems.

In the March 2022 issue of the Philadelphia Trumpet, we wrote:

Now a generation has passed. The promise of a peaceful and prosperous South Africa remains hauntingly empty. Instead, rampant corruption has damaged the economy and people’s trust in the government. One in three people looking for work cannot find it. Rolling blackouts have left millions without power. The murder rate is the world’s highest outside of Latin America’s worst drug-producing regions. Rioters and looters plague the nation’s cities, while black terrorists drive white farmers from their land.

The Trumpet long foresaw that conditions in South Africa would collapse. Bible prophecy shows South Africa will continue to be cursed as the people, like those in other modern-day Israelite nations, increasingly move away from biblical morals and values.

Learn more: Read “A Warning From South Africa.”