Hezbollah Launches Rockets Into Israel After Top Commander Is Killed

Iran-backed terrorist group Hezbollah launched at least 170 rockets into northern Israel from Lebanon beginning yesterday evening and spanning into today in response to an Israeli strike that killed one of their top commanders. This is one of Hezbollah’s biggest assaults on Israel since the outbreak of war in Gaza.

Red alerts were posted throughout the morning, marking points of confrontation along the border with Lebanon.

Three waves: Hezbollah launched three main waves of rockets; first firing 90, then 70, followed by 10. The Israel Defense Forces (idf) reported that the Iron Dome intercepted some of them; the remaining rockets mostly hit open areas.

Targets: After taking responsibility for the attack, the terrorist group claimed its targets were Israeli military sites, including the Meron air traffic control base, the Amiad camp and the Plasan armored vehicle factory in Kibbutz Sasa.

Background: On Tuesday, an Israeli rocket hit the Lebanese village of Jouaiyya, killing senior field commander Talib Sami Abdullah and three other Hezbollah members.

“For many years, [Abdullah] planned, advanced and carried out a large number of terror attacks against Israeli civilians,” the idf said. He is the most senior Hezbollah commander killed since the Oct. 7, 2023, attack by Hamas, another Iranian proxy.

For the past eight months, Hezbollah has been supporting Hamas but avoiding all-out war with Israel. The recent attacks show Hezbollah may feel emboldened while Israel is preoccupied in Gaza.

Learn more: For information about Lebanon’s role in Bible prophecy, read “Will Hezbollah Join the War Against Israel?