75 Percent of Palestinians Support Hamas

Seventy-five percent of Palestinians are “satisfied” with Hamas’s performance in its war against Israel, according to a poll published by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research on Wednesday.

This disproves Joe Biden’s claim that “Hamas does not represent the Palestinian people.” It constitutes the highest level of support for Hamas since its Oct. 7, 2023, attack and illustrates the futility of the two-state solution.

Survey says: The poll surveyed 1,570 adults face-to-face and gives a 3 percent margin of error. It polled 760 Palestinians in 76 residential locations in the West Bank and 750 people in 75 Gazan locations.

  • 67 percent support Hamas’s October 7 attack (a four-point drop since March).
  • 60 percent are in favor of disbanding the Palestinian Authority (PA); only 9 percent are satisfied with its prime minister.
  • 59 percent want a “return of Hamas” in Gaza.
  • 51 percent believe Hamas is “the most deserving” organization to lead Palestine; only 16 percent support the PA’s Fatah faction.
  • In a hypothetical election between PA President Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh, Haniyeh would win 43 percent to 11 percent.

Big picture: Even if Hamas were destroyed, most Palestinians would continue to support its ideologies and methods, including its goal to destroy Israel. The Bible prophesies that this desire will lead to an uprising much larger than October 7, leading to the fall of East Jerusalem.

This will set the stage for the largest conflict in the Middle East’s history—a clash that will start nuclear World War iii.

Learn more: Read Chapter 3, “Jerusalem: About to Explode,” in our free booklet Jerusalem in Prophecy.