Russia Overtakes U.S. in EU Gas Imports, Germany Hinders Sanctions

Russia Overtakes U.S. in EU Gas Imports, Germany Hinders Sanctions

Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, European Union member states have cut cheap Russian gas supplies via pipelines and bought more of its expensive liquefied gas. As a result, in May Russia overtook the United States once again as the main supplier of gas to the EU. It is obvious that these imports are funding Russia’s war. Meanwhile, Germany is hindering meaningful sanctions.

Germany’s Welt noted:

European companies are helping Russia ship liquefied natural gas all over the world. … Despite all the rhetoric, Europe is finding it notoriously difficult to do without Russian natural gas. It is true that the EU has banned the import of Russian coal and oil imported by sea from Russia. However, the EU has so far not touched the lucrative gas sector, which is pouring billions into Russia’s war chest.

Some in the EU want to stop funding Russia’s war. On June 14, EU member states discussed sanctions against Russia’s lucrative liquefied natural gas sector. Welt headlined “Now the EU Is Planning Gas Sanctions That Will Really Hurt Russia.”

Two years after the war began, the EU finally appeared to agree on how to sanction Russia in a meaningful way. But those who rejoiced did so too early. Citing diplomats familiar with the sanction talks, Politico wrote “Germany Blocks First-Ever Sanctions on Russian Gas.” The sanction package failed at first due to German opposition to a separate provision that sought to tighten restrictions on companies whose goods end up in Russia.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz rejected accusations that Germany was blocking sanctions against Russia in the EU. “Nothing is being blocked. We are discussing the specific details,” Scholz told Welt tv. “It’s about how we can ensure that the German economy can carry out its activities.”

On June 20, the EU agreed to prohibit Russia from using EU ports to transfer gas between large tankers and smaller vessels destined for third countries, but it again failed to agree on a full ban on EU states purchasing Russian gas. Additionally, the provision that Germany opposed was left out. Germany’s wrote: “This is the 14th package of Russia sanctions presented by the EU states. However, it is not as tough as many would like. The reason: German concerns and requests for changes.”

The European Commission estimates that goods worth hundreds of millions of euros are still being delivered to Russia via subsidiaries of European companies that can contribute to the development of Russia’s defense and security sector. EU member states wanted to put an end to it, but Germany blocked the proposal.

It is now routine for Germany to block sanctions until Russia finds a way to circumvent them. The same is true for Germany’s habit of delaying weapons exports to Ukraine.

Many believed Germany would work to overcome its dependence on Russia and give in to international pressure. As time goes on, however, more and more are perplexed by Germany’s duplicity.

Germany and EU member states are spending billions to arm Ukraine and their own militaries to deter Russia. At the same time, they are funding the Russian war machine—by the billions. Analysts who cite only German economic interests for its relationship with Russia and ignore this contradiction simply don’t know what they are talking about.

Early in Russia’s war against Ukraine, Trumpet editor Gerald Flurry wrote:

These two nations are working to empower themselves and each other at the expense of Europe and the U.S.-led world order. Both want to tear down that order and build themselves into great empires! Those empires will inevitably clash, but for now it is in both Germany’s and Russia’s interest to weaken everyone else and strengthen themselves and each other. With this in mind, Germany’s duplicitous behavior is easy to understand.

One of the biggest profiters of this war is Germany’s arms industry, which supplies weapons to Ukraine and other nations that are arming themselves in light of the war. The longer the war continues, the faster this military complex is rising. Germany and Russia cooperated in similar ways between World Wars i and ii.

As Mr. Flurry wrote in the November-December 2008 Trumpet:

I believe that Germany’s leaders may have already agreed to a deal with Russia, a modern Hitler-Stalin pact where Germany and Russia divide countries and assets between themselves. This agreement would allow each to turn its sights on other targets. Any such deal that may have been struck between Germany and Russia is a precursor to war!

This is the missing dimension lacking in every analysis by today’s mainstream media. They have an utter lack of historic understanding and know nothing about Bible prophecy. For thousands of years, the Bible has warned that unless mankind learns to accept God’s law and government, our world will end in a war that necessitates God’s divine intervention (Matthew 24).

For a thorough understanding of Germany’s duplicitous behavior toward Russia, read Mr. Flurry’s recent article “France’s Deadly Ignorance About Germany.”