Britain’s Landslide Election: What’s Next?

An exit poll predicting that the Labour Party led by Keir Starmer will win 410 seats in Britain’s general election is projected onto bbc Broadcasting House in London on July 4.
OLI SCARFF/AFP via Getty Images

Britain’s Landslide Election: What’s Next?

Sir Keir Starmer is now Britain’s prime minister after Labour won a landslide in Britain’s election today. Labour won 412 out of the 650 seats in Parliament. Despite winning 63 percent of the seats, it won less than 34 percent of the popular vote. It’s the smallest vote share for a winning party in postwar history, and perhaps in all of British history. In fact, Labour received fewer votes than in the last election, 2019, where it experienced a major defeat.

So how does a fall in votes lead to a landslide victory?

The Conservative Party experienced its greatest-ever defeat, going from 365 seats to 121. The number of people voting for them dropped in half. The Scottish National Party also saw its vote collapse after a series of scandals, going from 47 seats to just 9. And the Liberal Democrats, a left-wing party, went from 11 seats to 71, its best result since 1923.

But the biggest change was the arrival of a new party in Parliament. Reform UK came third in the popular vote, winning 14 percent of the vote. However, because its support is spread fairly evenly across the country, it failed to come first in many races—winning only four seats.

But even four members of Parliament is a remarkable achievement for a new party. Its leader, Nigel Farage, failed eight times to enter Parliament in previous elections.

What does this mean for Britain?

Sir Keir is less extreme than the previous Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn, who has been kicked out of the party. Under the Conservative Party, Britain has spent the last decade moving steadily to the left—that’s why so many voters deserted them. But under Labour, that push will become much more aggressive. Ahead of the election Allister Heath predicted what a Labour government could look like. Labour, he wrote, “would seek to leverage the Equality Act to conscript every company in the fight against ‘social inequality’ via ‘positive discrimination.’ It would double down on net zero and the war on cars. It would start copying EU rules just for the sake of it. It would find it much easier to jack up taxes in its first budget, including on wealth, inheritance and property. It would turn a blind eye to illegal immigration, and would gradually further increase legal immigration, egged on by radical open-border activists within the left’s parliamentary ranks.”

Sir Keir Starmer has worked hard to be boring in the election campaign. After Corbyn ran as a Communist firebrand, a boring leader looks like a safe leader. In 2005, he said it was “odd” that he had been made a Queen’s Counsel, a type of top lawyer, as he “often used to propose the abolition of the monarchy.”

There’s been nothing of that sort on the campaign trail. Instead he’s generally tried to please whoever is in front of him. He took a knee for the Black Lives Matter movement. He’s embraced the transgender movement’s redefinition of man and woman. But he’s also rowed back those comments when faced with a more traditional audience.

This means Sir Keir is a bit of an unknown. But higher taxes, more regulation, more homosexual and transgender propaganda in schools and promotion of it in businesses, and continued high migration seem on the way.

But perhaps the success of Reform UK indicates this leftward drift will be short-lived. We’ve forecast that Donald Trump will return to the presidency in the United States. In his article “Britain’s and Judah’s Governments Fall—America Next?”, Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry summarized the scriptures that inform this forecast.

To understand these prophecies, you must understand that Britain and the U.S. are descended from Ephraim and Manasseh, two of the biblical tribes of Israel. The Jews are descended from the tribe of Judah. History lost track of the other 10 tribes.

Bible prophecy specifically tells us that the United States will experience a revival—and that it will use this to help Israel in the Middle East. Mr. Flurry wrote:

It appears Mr. Trump may have to recover some of Judah’s freedom for God’s work to even be able to deliver God’s message to the cities of Judah.

Once this message goes out during the time of the end-time Jeroboam, God says, “… I will not again pass by them any more” (Amos 7:8). God passes by the last time to show three end-time nations of Israel—the United States, Britain and the Jewish nation—how to solve their problems and to warn them of the consequences of their failure to do so. 2 Kings 14:28 tells us that Donald Trump comes back and it affects the politics of both America and Judah to enable that message to go out. Things get better in both these nations for a time.

Could the same thing happen in the UK? 2 Kings 14:28 does not specifically mention Ephraim [the United Kingdom in Bible prophecy]. But it is still part of Israel. And God still has a powerful message to get to them.

These three countries all fall together. But this verse also indicates that God gives all three countries a reprieve from that fall, allowing His message to go out one more time. The change in politics in Britain and Israel could show that we are close to this prophecy being fulfilled.

We can’t be sure of the specifics, but Britain and America experience the same general trend. There’s clearly an appetite for a Trump-like figure in the UK. Mr. Trump himself is not overly popular here—but someone who defies the general left-wing consensus, and has the courage to fight for those convictions, is sorely needed. So perhaps a similar turnaround is coming to the UK.

Mr. Flurry’s article was written shortly after Boris Johnson resigned, and so is quite out of date. But it provides an excellent overview of what is prophesied for Britain and America and why. We don’t know all the specific twists and turns, especially where the UK is concerned. But understanding that an all powerful God is crafting world events, and understanding why He is doing so, is far more important.