MAGA Republicans Embrace ‘Divine Intervention’

Former President Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally on Saturday, July 13, in Butler, Pennsylvania.
Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post via Getty Images

MAGA Republicans Embrace ‘Divine Intervention’

It’s becoming harder and harder to deny that God is using President Trump to save America temporarily.

Serious questions surround how a 20-year-old gunman evaded security services and fired six to eight rounds at Donald Trump with an AR-style weapon. The entire assassination attempt was caught on video, and the first shot would have pierced President Trump’s head had he not pivoted at the last second to gesture toward a giant chart showing how many illegal aliens have crossed America’s southern border since Joe Biden took office.

The Federation for American Immigration Reform is talking about “The Immigration Chart That Changed History,” yet President Trump has a different explanation for his brush with death. Writing early Sunday morning, he said it was “God alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening.”

A growing number of Republicans agree. Rep. Carlos Antonio Giménez told Fox News that Trump survived by “the grace of God.” Rep. Cory Mills said “divine intervention” and the “protective hand” of God kept the former president alive. House Speaker Mike Johnson stated, “God protected President Trump yesterday.”

The pro-Trump Super pac maga Inc. reiterated that “the grace of God” saved President Trump from “a coward’s bullet,” while Rep. Maria Elvira Salazar posted an illustration of an angel steering Trump away from the bullet. Thousands of Republicans view Trump’s survival as a miracle. Rep. Mike Collins noted, “God spared Donald Trump for a reason.” Rep. Brandon Williams said, “God saved our republic.”

These Republicans are absolutely right! The right side of Donald Trump’s head was in the cross hairs of a sniper’s rifle at the moment the sniper pulled the trigger. Yet the bullet only blew off the upper portion of his ear because he turned his head at exactly the right millisecond. The statistical odds of this happening by random chance are astronomical. It is abundantly clear that God did save Donald Trump’s life for a reason.

The photo of President Trump standing in front of the American flag with his fist raised and his face bloodied perfectly encapsulates 2 Kings 14:26-27, which speaks of God saving Israel by the hand of a courageous king!

Commentator Tucker Carlson noted that the way the sunlight framed Donald Trump’s face in many of the pictures taken in the moments after the assassination attempt looks biblical. “I often say that photos of Trump are like renaissance paintings,” he noted. “But on this awful evening for our country, the photos feel more … biblical. The sunlight found Trump’s bloodied face as he fell to the ground, and produced this photo.”

President Trump’s popularity has never been higher as millions of Americans wake up to the fact that God is using him to save this nation. And all Joe Biden can do about it is urge Americans to “lower the temperature” after the assassination attempt, as if his own unhinged rhetoric about Trump being a threat to democracy had nothing to do with Thomas Crooks’s decision to try to kill Trump. Biden also ordered the fbi to look into the assassination attempt. So you can be sure the American people won’t find out what really happened anytime soon. If there is anything that years of anti-Trump lawfare has taught us, it’s that the fbi exists primarily to prosecute conservatives and cover up Obama-Biden scandals.

Democrats stoked fear and hatred against Donald Trump for years leading up to this assassination attempt, comparing him to Adolf Hitler on numerous occasions. Yet as soon as Trump was shot, Biden sanctimoniously posted on social media that he was praying for Trump. So is Biden praying for Adolf Hitler? Or can we take this as a tacit admission that he feels bad for all the lies he spread about Trump that led America to this point?

Well, Biden certainly doesn’t feel bad about the lies he has spread. The only reason he is even pretending to be concerned about Trump is that he sees how many people are saying God intervened in human affairs to save Donald Trump so he can save the nation from Biden’s disastrous policies. Less than two weeks ago, Biden said that he would only bow out of the presidential race if the Lord Almighty told him to do so. Then he noted, “The Lord Almighty’s not comin’ down.” Millions of Americans disagree with him. The Lord Almighty just came down to save Trump and use him to save America from Barack Obama and the Biden crime family.

Tucker Carlson, Alex Jones and Steve Bannon have all predicted the radical left would try to assassinate Trump, so the attempt on his life should not be surprising. What should be surprising is that God intervened to stop him from being killed. Why would God do this? The American people certainly do not deserve such unmerited pardon. Yet God wants to give them one last chance to turn back to Him; He has chosen to use an end-time type of King Jeroboam ii (aka, Donald Trump) to save the nation temporarily.

Amos 7:13 says Donald Trump will be aided in his fight by the “king’s court” and the “king’s chapel.” The Supreme Court already ruled that Trump can run for reelection, and religious chapels across the nation are waking up to the fact that God is using him in a miraculous way. The fact that God just intervened to save Donald Trump’s life is a dramatic fulfillment of Bible prophecy. But it’s not enough to realize that God is intervening in American affairs; we need to understand why God is intervening. Your one and only hope depends entirely on repenting of sin (Amos 7:8). If you’re ready to face what you need to face, ready to realize the individual accountability each of us has toward the God who made America great in the first place, request your free copy of America Under Attack, by Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry.