Why Is God Protecting Donald Trump?

Former U.S. President Donald Trump arrives for a 2021 rally in Sarasota, Florida.
Eva Marie Uzcategui/Getty Images

Why Is God Protecting Donald Trump?

The question everybody should be asking

After this past Saturday’s failed assassination attempt, everybody is talking about God.

“It was God alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening,” Donald Trump wrote on his social media website.

This statement is obviously true. Many people are acknowledging it. God protected President Trump. That was a miracle. This is proof of God’s hand. You’re hearing such statements from many politicians and media outlets.

The factors that enabled Mr. Trump to still be alive today are too dramatic to dismiss as coincidence. He is alive because of an unscripted moment displaying a chart he had to turn to look at. He is alive because a gust of wind shifted that bullet left about one inch. He is alive because He cocked his head at the perfect angle at the perfect moment. Do you see God in these details?

Trump is alive in spite of what one commentator called “apocalyptic” security failures. The Secret Service allowed this to happen. We will learn more in the days and weeks ahead. But we know that many people in the intelligence community and in the federal agencies are desperate to keep Donald Trump from returning to power. There are evil people who want Donald Trump dead. Could there be anything more despicable than trying to kill a president?

But all their efforts have failed. That is miraculous. More and more people are realizing this, especially after this past Saturday. Do you see it?

You need to think about the implications. What happened proves God’s existence. Even more, it shows how involved in world events God really is.

The question you need to be asking is, why is God protecting Donald Trump?

God does things for a reason. I have heard some people say God spared Trump to save America. That is true—but it is not the whole answer.

Think about this: God also allowed the Democrats to steal the last election from President Trump. Why? God allowed the Biden administration, and the Obama administration before him, to do enormous damage, working to “fundamentally transform” America. Why? And now He is clearly preserving Trump’s life to bring him back into the presidency. Why now, and what will happen next?

The answers to these questions are critical for everyone to know! And there are real answers—sure answers from biblical prophecy!

The Key to Understanding Prophecy

How much do you know about Bible prophecy? How can you be sure it is reliable? There are a lot of conflicting ideas about it, and a lot of kooky ideas. How do you know what to believe?

After seeing how God protected President Trump, these are extremely important questions to be asking yourself.

Christians are supposed to follow Jesus Christ. Note: Revelation 19:10 tells us that “the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” Jesus Himself made several prophecies, including one of the longest, most important in the Bible: the Olivet prophecy (recorded in Matthew 24). You cannot afford to ignore prophecy.

However, the Apostle Peter warned, “First of all you must understand this, that no prophecy of scripture is a matter of one’s own interpretation” (2 Peter 1:20; Revised Standard Version). In the Olivet prophecy, Jesus Himself warned of false prophets deceiving many people (Matthew 24:11, 24). You must be careful in studying this vital subject to make sure it is right!

This work has a track record of over 75 years of accurate forecasting of world events based on Bible prophecy. The foundation of our understanding can be found in Herbert W. Armstrong’s classic book The United States and Britain in Prophecy, which we print and distribute freely to anyone who requests a copy. There is no better book for understanding this vital one third of your Bible!

This book explains a fundamental truth about our world today: Not only is America the most influential nation on Earth right now, it is also the central nation in literally hundreds of biblical prophecies. Mr. Armstrong explained why that is so. He proved America’s and Britain’s identity in biblical prophecy. The story of their identity, and their connection to the biblical nation of Israel, is astounding, gripping, eye-opening!

You cannot understand events in the world and in America without knowing the truth of this book.

Once you have this key to unlock biblical prophecy, America’s future becomes clear. Not only do you know why this nation has achieved such unprecedented heights in prosperity and power, but you will see why God has been stripping us of many of those blessings and allowing a growing number of curses. It is all spelled out plainly, in detail, in Bible prophecy.

Many people are in confusion and despair over the problems befalling America. These biblical prophecies put everything in perspective and remove the uncertainty and mystery.

America Under Attack

Mr. Armstrong died in 1986. Since that time, God has continued to reveal more prophetic understanding based on the foundation of The United States and Britain in Prophecy.

For nearly 15 years now, I have been focusing on a handful of prophecies that give astounding insight into the specific curses that have been plaguing America since Barack Obama became president. The picture from prophecy has grown clearer with time. In 2013, shortly into Obama’s second term, I published a booklet titled America Under Attack that exposed the true nature of the diabolical forces arrayed against this nation. It also explained why God was allowing this.

When Donald Trump was elected in 2016, it was an extraordinary development. In many ways, those evil forces were forced into retreat. But what has happened since showed that they were diligently working to subvert the president, in increasingly lawless and brazen ways. This culminated in the theft of the 2020 election and the installation of a puppet regime to continue Obama’s destructive agenda.

There is a spiritual war going on over the future of America! I have written a lot about 2 Kings 14:26-28, a prophetic passage from a part of the Bible called the “former prophets,” about an effort to “blot out the name of Israel from under heaven.” As The United States and Britain in Prophecy proves, the most prominent modern descendants of “Israel” referred to here are Americans!

But verse 27 concludes, “but he [God] saved them by the hand of Jeroboam the son of Joash.” This historical account of God using a man to save the nation is actually a prophecy about America today. Donald Trump is a modern Jeroboam.

Coming to understand this prophecy, and a related but yet unfulfilled prophecy in Amos 7, led me to forecast that Trump’s role in America’s future was not complete after one term. I actually believed that he would win the 2020 election and remain president. He did win—yet he was removed because of the election theft. Virtually everyone said that his days in politics were over. His political enemies did everything possible to ensure that happened.

Yet based on Bible prophecy, I said he would return. “Why I Still Believe Donald Trump Is Coming Back” was the first article I wrote after Joe Biden’s inauguration. I have held firm this forecast even as he has been attacked, vilified, accused, raided and convicted.

And because Joe Biden has been president, the evil of that satanic attack on America has been exposed to a much greater degree. It goes much deeper than any of us had realized, and God is making sure that it is made plain!

‘He Isn’t Going to Get Assassinated’

In 2022, I published a dramatically expanded version of America Under Attack, with a much more complete explanation of the prophecies both of the Obama and Trump administrations and an exposé of the lawlessness of the Biden White House. I then expanded this book in 2023. The book’s final chapter is “Donald Trump Will War His Way Back.”

As the personal and legal attacks on Trump have intensified in recent months—and all of them have failed spectacularly, one after another after another—some commentators have been concerned that his frustrated and desperate enemies would eventually attempt to assassinate him. But as I said in a public address last month: “There’s some people thinking, well, OK, he’s probably going to win it if he doesn’t get assassinated. Well, he isn’t going to get assassinated. He isn’t going to get assassinated—or how could he come back and fulfill a very great prophecy in Amos 7? From the beginning we’ve always said that because it’s in Bible prophecy.”

You need to know why I have been so confident about this prophecy!

Understand: I would know nothing about where this story is going if not for Bible prophecy! I have no special insight of my own. I am just a puny, insignificant man! But there is a living God in heaven who not only alters the course of bullets to protect a man for His purposes, but who has revealed this truth because He wants us to see His hand in these events!

You can see plainly God’s providence in that failed assassination attempt. You need to see just as plainly His providence in the whole drama unfolding in America today!

You need to know why God is protecting Donald Trump. He will use this man to “save” America, as 2 Kings 14 puts it. But for what purpose, and for how long? A great many people are putting great faith in this human being to turn the country around. But he too is just a puny, insignificant man! Our faith must be in the great God who is protecting him. And to have the right perspective, you must see the full picture of why God is using him and for what purpose.

America Under Attack answers these questions. It fully explains the prophecies of 2 Kings 14 and Amos 7 and puts them in the context of other end-time prophecies for America.

The months ahead are going to be extremely intense for America, and in the longer term, prophecy warns of unparalleled suffering for our nation! It also explains why God is allowing all this to happen. It is correction from a loving Father, and we need to be paying attention to Him.

I urge you to request and read these books so you can understand and heed the message God is sending through His extraordinary intervention in these events!