Europe Fears Trump’s VP Pick: J. D. Vance

Republican vice presidential nominee Sen. J. D. Vance speaks during a campaign rally on July 22 in Middletown, Ohio.
Scott Olson/Getty Images

Europe Fears Trump’s VP Pick: J. D. Vance

As America gears up for another Trump presidency, Germany gears up militarily.

The fears in Europe surrounding Donald Trump’s looming return to the White House heightened after he picked his running mate on July 15. The 39-year-old James David Vance believes European military independence will help bring about American prosperity.

In February, Vance wrote an article published in the Financial Times titled “Europe Must Stand on Its Own Two Feet on Defense.” In regards to Ukraine, he wrote: “There is frankly no good reason that aid from the [United States] should be needed.” Vance singled out Germany, stating:

Germany is the most important economy in Europe, but it relies on imported energy and borrowed military strength. U.S. leaders across the spectrum support Europe and see the value of generations-old alliances. But as we watch European power atrophy under an American protectorate, it is reasonable to ask whether our support has made it easier for Europe to ignore its own security. … Defense spending and defense readiness are two different things. For example, Germany spends considerably more than France on defense each year, with little to show for it.

Germany’s Welt wrote: “With J.D. Vance, Donald Trump has chosen a candidate for vice president who stands for a departure from Europe.”

Bild fears: “With Vance at Trump’s side, a withdrawal of the U.S. (should Biden lose the election) from conflict hot spots around the world could become more likely. Especially from the war in Ukraine.”

Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Germany has put over €100 billion (us$109 billion) toward additional military funds, restructured its military, and embraced a new war mentality (read “Germany’s Astonishing Military Rise”). Yet many believe Germany is not doing enough considering its economic strength. Pressure from the U.S. is certain to accelerate Germany’s military buildup.

Europe also fears harder trade relations with the U.S. under a Trump-Vance presidency. During his first term, Trump imposed tariffs on European steel and aluminum imports. Vance told Politico this spring: “I certainly think we should be much more aggressive in applying tariffs on a whole host of industries.”

Handelsblatt wrote on July 16: “Hard Times Ahead for Germany With J.D. Vance.”

In “Trump’s VP Pick Spells ‘Disaster’ for Europe and Ukraine,” Politico wrote:

Much of Europe was already panicked about a second Donald Trump presidency, worrying the U.S. would cut off aid to Ukraine if he wins in November. Then Trump picked J.D. Vance as his running mate.

The 39-year-old Ohio senator is one of the most isolationist members of the Republican Party. He is vehemently opposed to using more funds to help Ukraine and has blasted what he sees as Europe’s overdependence on the United States when it comes to military investment.

What Trump and Vance are planning could relieve the U.S. economically and cause Europe to accelerate its military rise. Both of these trends are described in Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry’s book America Under Attack.

As Mr. Flurry explains, the U.S. has suffered years of affliction under disastrous government policies that began with President Barack Obama. These events parallel the affliction of ancient Israel that temporarily ended with the rise of Jeroboam ii. The similarities with Donald Trump are not a coincidence; they are prophesied in 2 Kings 14:26-28 and Amos 7.

But the Bible reveals that God allows America’s resurgence to give the nation and its allies, primarily Britain and Israel, an opportunity to repent. Mr. Flurry explains:

America’s temporary resurgence gives these three nations and their peoples one last chance to repent, but that window will remain open only for a few short years or less! Soon we will face consequences for not heeding God’s warning—as you will see in later chapters. …

God will make America great again! But the Bible shows that He will do so only after hard correction. God is giving these warnings in an effort to save people from that fate. He is extending mercy for a short while before the punishment is carried out. …

God is full of mercy and love, and He is quick to forgive and protect. But to receive God’s forgiveness and protection, the people of America—and any person of any race or nation—must repent. We must stop sinning, stop rebelling against God’s law, and stop resisting God.

Anciently God used the Assyrians to punish Israel for their failure to heed God’s warning. Our booklet Germany and the Holy Roman Empire shows that the modern punishment for failing to heed God’s warning will come through Germany. It is no coincidence that just as America is gearing up for another Trump presidency, Germany is gearing up militarily. These events are orchestrated by God to give our world a chance to repent.

For a detailed explanation on what is prophesied for America and what it means for you, request Mr. Flurry’s free book America Under Attack.