Attacks on Israel Over the Weekend

Israel spent the weekend defending itself on two fronts as it faced attacks from the Houthis in the south and Hezbollah in the north.

Israel vs. Houthis:

  • Friday: Tel Aviv was hit by a Houthi drone strike, killing one person and injuring at least 10 others.
  • Saturday: Israel retaliated by striking the Yemeni port of Hodeidah, killing six and wounding at least 80 people, according to local medics. The port holds large amounts of fuel and Israeli officials say the Houthis were receiving weapons shipments from Iran at the port.
  • Sunday: A missile was fired from Yemen toward Israel’s resort city of Eilat. Israel successfully intercepted the missile outside of Israeli territory with its Arrow 3 missile defense system.

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said, “The Houthis attacked us over 200 times. The first time that they harmed an Israeli citizen, we struck them. And we will do this in any place where it may be required.”

Houthi spokesman Mohammed Abdulsalam told Qatar’s Al Jazeera tv that after this weekend there will be “no red lines …. All sensitive institutions … will be a target for us.”

Israel vs. Hezbollah:

  • Saturday: Hezbollah launched drones into the northern Golan Heights. Israel’s interceptor missiles missed at least one drone, resulting in two soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces being wounded.
  • Sunday morning: idf fighter jets targeted several buildings used by Hezbollah in Houla, southern Lebanon.
  • Sunday at 3:35 p.m.: Thirty rockets were fired by Hezbollah at Dafna in the northern Golan Heights. Most were intercepted; the rest landed in open areas.
  • Sunday at 4 p.m.: A Hamas branch located in Lebanon fired 10 rockets into western Galilee.

Israel’s message:

I have a message for Israel’s enemies: Make no mistake. We will defend ourselves by all means, on all fronts. Anyone who harms us will pay a very heavy price for their aggression.
—Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli prime minister

Who owns Israel? Since Israel was attacked on October 7 by Hamas, other militant groups from surrounding nations such as Lebanon, Yemen, Syria and Iraq have joined the conflict in support of Palestine. They are determined to wipe Israel off the map. Meanwhile, the world denies Israel’s right to defend itself against these attacks.

It is important that you know who owns Israel. For the answer, read “Who Has the Historic Right to the Holy Land?