Kennedy Drops Out, Joins Team Trump

Presidential long shot Robert F. Kennedy Jr. announced Friday in Arizona that he is removing his name from the ballots of about 10 battleground states and joining Donald Trump’s campaign. (Some of these states are insisting that it is too late for him to drop out and that his name will remain on the ballots.)

Why it matters: Polls indicate that November’s presidential election will be very close. Even though Kennedy has comparatively few supporters, his help could give Trump a significant boost.

Kennedy’s job: Friday evening, Trump announced Kennedy’s role in his administration:

  • Declassify documents concerning John F. Kennedy’s assassination and the attempt on Trump
  • Purge corruption in the food-agriculture industry

Polls: It is unlikely all Kennedy’s supporters will switch to Trump. Many may vote for Kamala Harris or refrain from voting. But it seems Kennedy’s choice will help Trump.

  • According to a New York Times poll, among Kennedy voters, 41 percent will vote for Trump; 27 percent for Harris.
  • A Wall Street Journal poll revealed that among third-party voters—of which nearly all support Kennedy—Trump’s disapproval rating is 7 percent higher than his approval rating; Harris’s disapproval is 47 points higher.

It is possible that Kennedy could help Trump’s return and contribute to this coming resurgence through his strong religious beliefs and by exposing corruption in politics and in the health industry.

Learn more: Read our free book America Under Attack.