Terrorist Kills Three in Germany

A terrorist killed three and injured eight in Solingen, Germany, on Friday in a knife attack claimed by the Islamic State.

  • The stabbing took place at a festival where thousands were celebrating Solingen’s 650th anniversary.
  • Issa al H., a 26-year-old, turned himself in to authorities on Sunday, claiming he was responsible.
  • The Islamic State terrorist group published a statement saying the massacre was conducted by one of its members “in revenge for Muslims in Palestine and everywhere.”
  • Five of the injured are in critical condition.

Why it matters: Issa al H. is a Syrian migrant who was denied asylum and set to be deported last year. His background and apparent affiliation with the Islamic State makes it clear that this is another example of the damage that reckless immigration policies are causing in Europe.

Solution? In response to the attack, Germany’s chancellor and vice chancellor called for tougher weapons control. The chancellor also promised swifter enforcement of deportation rules.

These pledges are unlikely to appease Germany’s populace. They fail to strike at the cause of these problems: the ease with which migrants, including unvetted ones, are entering the Continent.

Prophetic perspective: Bible prophecy shows that major changes are coming to Europe’s governance. The increasing anger of Germans toward current policies will play a role in that momentous shift.

Learn more: Read “Why a New Migrant Crisis Could Destroy Europe.”