Exposing the Fake Border Czar

Democratic presidential candidate, U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris on August 6, 2024 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Andrew Harnik/Getty Images

Exposing the Fake Border Czar

Kamala Harris and Democrats now ‘tough as nails’ on border security?

The United States is being invaded. Eight years ago, Donald Trump was practically the only politician warning about this invasion. How things have changed. Today, the Republican Party has promised that if Mr. Trump and other Republicans are elected in November, they will seal the border, stop the migrant invasion, and carry out the largest deportation operation in American history.

Why? Because the border crisis is so dire that millions of Americans recognize it as an existential threat!

What are Democrats to do? They have been and continue to be in power, have created more and more incentives that attract illegal immigrants, have kept the border open, and have demonized Americans who think the border should be secure and that people should immigrate legally. And if they lose power, they might have to answer for what they have done.

So here’s the strategy: Democrats are “tough as nails” on border security!

You just can’t make this stuff up!

For years, the left has accused Trump and millions of Americans of being “xenophobic” and “racist” for wanting to limit or ban refugees from Islamic countries or travelers from China who might spread covid, for promising to build a wall across the U.S.-Mexico border, for telling Hispanic migrants to wait in Mexico while their U.S. asylum claims are processed. But this is what Americans want, and even the radical Democrats recognize this.

Soon after Joe Biden was installed as president, he tasked Kamala Harris with “stemming the migration to our southern border.” She was the “border czar.” But as any American can clearly see, neither Biden nor Harris stemmed illegal migration to or across the border and into America. They provided ongoing incentives for millions of people to come and are facilitating border crossings to the point of flying immigrants to cities in the U.S. But if you just woke up from a coma and turned on the Democratic National Convention, you’d think Democrats have been fighting and succeeding in protecting the border.

“For 20 years, Mayor Harris has been tough as nails when it comes to securing our border,” Connecticut Democrat Sen. Chris Murphy proclaimed to the convention crowd on August 20. “When she was the California prosecutor, she went after drug smugglers, human traffickers—she put 100 gang members away in a sweep.”

Yet despite Murphy’s praise, Harris’s record shows that she is more of a political chameleon rather than a prosecutor who is tough on crime. When it suits her career ambitions to be hard on crime, she is hard on crime. And when it suits her career ambitions to be soft on crime, she is soft on crime. When she was the district attorney of San Francisco, it was in her political interest to reduce the skyrocketing homicide rate. But when she was installed as vice president, she quickly adapted to the will of the Barack Obama functionaries around her who wanted more illegal immigrants in this country.

Now people like Chris Murphy are sent to tell you that you haven’t seen and aren’t experiencing what you have seen and experienced under Biden and Harris (and Obama) over the past four years. Forget about how it was “racist” to be “tough as nails” on border security like Donald Trump was in 2016, 2020 or even for most of 2024. Now you need to think not only that Harris is “tough as nails” on border security, but that she and the Democrats always have been and, now, that’s a good thing—and, however confused you might be, you had better vote Democrat.

Remember, this is the same party and leaders who have not only been responsible for the border over the past four years, but have actively kept it open!

But millions of Americans accept this political propaganda. They are preparing to vote for the newly, undemocratically installed nominee Kamala Harris for president of the United States, which is astounding enough; but many are preparing to vote for her in part because they accept the narrative that she will implement a reasonable policy at our overrun border.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump, who was the only candidate, Republican or Democrat, sounding the alarm on the border in 2016, is doing all he can to warn Americans about the Democrats’ real agenda. “For nearly four years, Comrade Kamala … has allowed at least 20 million people, all illegal aliens, into our country, including millions and millions of unvetted fighting-age men from over 158 different countries,” Trump said on August 22 during a news conference held at the U.S. southern border. “Since Comrade Harris took over the border, there has been a 43 percent nationwide increase in violent crime and a 60 percent increase in rape.”

This is not the result of a border czar who is “tough as nails” on crime. This is part of a strategy to overload America and destroy its constitutional system of government.

But it gets even more mind-boggling. Radical delegates at the Democratic National Convention tried to portray the border crisis as the fault of the man who became famous and infamous for saying “build a wall,” who was portrayed as so anti-illegal immigration that he was a “racist,” who implemented border security and “remain in Mexico” and did not fly illegal immigrants into the interior during his presidency, and whose absence from the presidency has coincided with massive illegal immigration: Donald J. Trump. Yes, the narrative now is: Donald Trump caused the border crisis and Kamala Harris will fix it. Donald Trump who has been out of power, and Kamala Harris who is currently in power—and wants more.

This is despicable deception on a national scale! Americans are being gaslit—being told they are crazy for remembering the past few years—being convinced that the people who intentionally sustained this ongoing border crisis will now solve it if you keep them in power.

In the 2020 presidential election, Biden only “won” Georgia by 11,779 votes. The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project is now reporting that 14 percent of non-citizens at the Elliot Norcross apartment complex in Norcross, Georgia, are registered to vote. If this 14 percent figure holds true state-wide, it would equate to over 47,000 registered non-citizens in Georgia. That is likely more than enough to steal the state for Kamala Harris in the 2024 election. Her new soft-on-crime stance makes a lot of sense from a selfish perspective.

The U.S. Supreme Court recently upheld an Arizona law requiring proof of citizenship to vote in a federal election, yet the fact that this case went all the way to the Supreme Court shows there is a strong movement in America to transform the nation into a one-party dictatorship by importing millions of illegal immigrants and nixing voter ID laws. The whole world is full of fakery and phoniness, as we often point out.

After Barack Obama was reelected president in 2012, my father wrote a startling booklet titled America Under Attack, which he has since updated and expanded. It revealed that Obama is an end-time type of Antiochus Epiphanes. Like Antiochus, Obama obtained power through lies. Now he is betraying the American people and trying to extinguish the faith of our Founding Fathers through a combination of subterfuge and brute force.

Obama is the power behind the throne in the Biden-Harris administration and aspires to be the power behind the throne in a Harris-Walz administration. We should expect both Kamala Harris and Tim Walz to follow Obama’s strategy for obtaining power. In an address to donors in 2020, Obama advised Democrats to conceal their radical views. “This is still a country that is less revolutionary than it is interested in improvement,” he said. “Even as we push the envelope and we are bold in our vision, we also have to be rooted in reality. The average American doesn’t think we have to completely tear down the system and remake it.”

Note that Obama didn’t say not to tear down the system and remake it. He said the average American doesn’t want to tear down the system and remake it. Radical rhetoric such as that espoused by Sen. Bernie Sanders or Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez only alienates potential voters. This is why Harris is talking about securing America’s border even as she does everything in her power to make sure it stays open. This is how Antiochus Epiphanes operated, it is how Barack Obama operates, and it is how Kamala Harris wants to operate.

The Prophet Daniel said an end-time Antiochus would “cast down the truth to the ground” (Daniel 8:12). Other scriptures show that there would be more than one Antiochus on the world scene, including one reigning over God’s Church, and one reigning over a resurrected Holy Roman Empire. But another prophecy in 2 Kings 14:26-28 reveals a third, hidden Antiochus who “cast down the truth to the ground” in the United States. My father has identified Obama as this third, hidden Antiochus. So we should expect those working closely with Obama (such as Harris and Walz) to talk like moderates while acting like radicals.

It will take a miracle from God to restore free and fair elections to the United States and fix the grave economic woes besetting the country. Such a miracle is prophesied in 2 Kings 14:26-28 and Amos 7:8. Yet before it occurs, God is going to unmask the political Antiochus behind the Biden-Harris administration and let people see the extent of the sickness that has beset American politics. The exposure of the fake border czar is part of this unmasking. But you can expect much more earthshaking exposures in the very near future!