Historical First: Chinese Military Violates Japanese Air Space

A Chinese military plane breached Japan’s air space on Monday for the first time.

  • The Y-9 military surveillance aircraft entered Tokyo’s territory near Nagasaki around 11:30 a.m.
  • It remained in Japanese air space for 2 minutes.
  • The provocation prompted Japan’s Self-Defense Force to put fighter jets on high alert and warn China’s plane.
  • China claims ownership of a vast continental shelf, the outer cusp of which extends near the Danjo Islands, close to the spot where the Chinese plane was seen.

Though this is the first time China has entered Japanese territory with a military plane, it has done so many times with nonmilitary aircraft.

  • Last year, Japan had to scramble jets to intercept foreign planes 669 times—479 were Chinese.

Prophecy: The Bible prophesies that China will be a major world power in this end time, rising even as America’s dominance falls. Bible prophecy warns that China will play a major role in World War iii.

Learn more: Read “China Is Steering the World Toward War.”