Belief in Creationism at All-time Low
The percentage of United States adults who believe God created humanity in His image has fallen to a record low. Only 37 percent of adults now accept that God created humans in their present form at some point within the past 10,000 years, according to a Gallup poll published on July 22. There are still more Americans who believe God created humanity in His image than believe humanity evolved without God’s help. Yet the most common explanation for human origins is that humans evolved from a simpler life form.
Overall, 58 percent of U.S. adults believe in some form of human evolution from less advanced forms of life. More specifically, 34 percent of adults believe God guided the process of human evolution over millions of years, while 24 percent believe God had no role in man’s development from less advanced forms of life.
This belief in human evolution is most stark among those with a university education. According to the most recent Gallup data, 69 percent of Americans with a college degree believe in human evolution, while only 51 percent of those without a degree believe it. This means that if you ask a college graduate how human life arose, you will likely hear an answer that has little or nothing to do with God or His master plan.
Of course, many politicians and educators still pay lip service to the Bible and Christianity, but the core of modern American education and culture is neo-Darwinian evolution. Roughly 34 percent of Protestants and 46 percent of Catholics believe God guided the process of human evolution over millions of years, so even many religious people now reject the Bible as a source for humanity’s ultimate origins. A great danger here is that once someone accepts that humans evolve, they are only a step away from accepting that morality evolves.
In the early modern period, America’s founders voiced a broad political consensus in the Declaration of Independence that “all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” Therefore, America’s constitutional system of government only makes sense if humanity has a Creator who gave them rights.
About 100 years after the founding fathers, however, following the publication of Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species, the political consensus began to change as people increasingly accepted the premise that concepts like morality and human rights were themselves ever-changing byproducts of evolution.
Progressives argue that “rights” can and should be “amended” as society changes, similar to how Darwin said organisms change based on their environment. What was right in the past may not be right today. Moral laws are even less permanent than scientific laws. Right and wrong evolve.
This is a well-developed, widely believed ideology that dominates Western education, politics, philosophy and entertainment. Because society at large accepted the premise that everything is relative, including morality, evolutionists like Alfred Kinsey and Wilhelm Reich were able to propagate the idea that perversions like fornication, adultery, homosexuality and pedophilia are not inherently evil, but are the natural results of the evolutionary process and are only “wrong” because people arbitrarily say they are wrong. After all, if there is no God, marriage is not a divinely sanctioned union between a man and a woman; it is a social construct that humanity invented to give children their best chance at survival. If society wants to dispense with that institution, it’s not right or wrong to do so because there is no such thing as right and wrong.
Until humanity accepts God’s laws as static, stationary, eternal and unchanging, we stand in great danger. Educational institutions have indoctrinated society to think belief in God is illogical. But what is the truth? To learn the answer to this all-important question, read The World’s Most Powerful Weapon.