The Ascendant MAGA Party

Supporters cheer as U.S. President Donald Trump arrives for a “Keep America Great” rally at Southern New Hampshire University Arena on February 10, 2020 in Manchester, New Hampshire. New Hampshire will hold its first in the national primary on Tuesday.
Drew Angerer/Getty Images

The Ascendant MAGA Party

The real battle is not Democrats vs. Republicans, but rather the uniparty vs. MAGA.

America started as a great experiment in self-government. Since then, it has grown to become the most powerful nation in human history. But that power no longer belongs to “we the people.” Self-government has degenerated, especially in recent years, into a “deep state” with plenty of power—in the hands of radical leftist elites, led by Barack Obama.

President Donald Trump is leading a populist revolt against the American deep state, and tens of millions of Americans are supporting him. This movement is fighting to take back political power from bureaucrats, technocrats, spymasters and people like Obama who exert their power from backstage. The political-media complex has perpetrated an extensive, ongoing narrative that labels Trump as “racist” and/or “far-right” and/or a “danger to democracy” in an effort to dent his popularity. As a whole, the American people aren’t buying it, and we are seeing a trend not only of Republicans joining, but also a number of moderate Democrats. At this point, the “Make America Great Again” movement is its own distinct phenomenon, related to but separate from the increasingly compromised and weak Republicans and certainly from the radical socialistic Democrats—and people are flocking to it and the man who started it all.

First it was the liberal tech entrepreneur Elon Musk who endorsed Trump to defend free speech from the censorship-industrial complex. Now the liberal politician Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is endorsing Trump.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is the son of Robert F. Kennedy, who served as attorney general in the early 1960s. The president was his brother, John F. Kennedy. Before and since, the Kennedy family has been the quintessential Democrat power family, with those two men in particular being emblems of American leftism to this day. So it made sense when, on April 19, 2023, rfk Jr. formally declared his presidential candidacy as a member of the Democratic Party. But the party of his father and uncle, as leftist as it was, was nothing like what rfk Jr. dealt with in 2023–2024. He has been speaking out powerfully against the policies and ideals of today’s Democratic Party and considered running as an independent for months before deciding to remove his name from the ballot in several swing states and endorse Donald Trump.

Why would a prominent Democrat like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. do such a thing? He explained his decision on stage at a rally in Glendale, Arizona, on August 23. “These institutions, these regulatory agencies, are actually run by the big food processing companies, the big ag and chemical companies they are supposed to regulate” he said alongside Trump. “And one of the issues that [Trump] talked about was having safe food and ending the chronic disease epidemic. Our children are the unhealthiest, sickest children in the world. Don’t you want healthy children? And don’t you want the chemicals out of our food? And don’t you want the regulatory agencies to be free from corporate corruption? And that is what President Trump told me that he wanted.”

Just as Musk is supporting Trump to take down big tech, Kennedy is supporting Trump to take down big ag, big food and big chem. Kennedy, Musk and Trump have significant political differences, but they all agree that people need to revolt against the American deep state, which is censoring speech, creating corporate monopolies, poisoning our food supply and rigging elections. This shows that the maga Party isn’t really about conservative vs. liberal ideology. The maga Party is about restoring America’s constitutional republic so people can make decisions free from technocratic tyranny.

Who would have imagined just two years ago, when Republican leaders were blaming their midterm election losses on Trump, that the richest man in the world and the nephew of John F. Kennedy would be working with a surging Trump movement to scale back America’s administrative state? Times are changing, and the maga Party is ascendent.

Democratic Party leaders must be able to see the writing on the wall. Even though they refuse to change their policies, they are changing their rhetoric. After years of condemning conservative Americans as bitter racists clinging to guns and religion, the people behind the Democratic National Convention decided to portray Kamala Harris as “tough as nails” on border security, while Harris spoke about God and the crowd chanted “usa! usa!” Does this mean that Democrats are going to start taking issues like illegal immigration and persecution against Christians more seriously? Of course not! It simply means Democratic leaders recognize that moderates are joining the maga movement, so they are trying to sound more like Trump to keep moderate Democrats in the party.

Meanwhile, Musk, Kennedy and other moderate leftists are speaking out more and more powerfully in favor of Trump. Both Musk and Kennedy are condemning the Biden-Harris administration for the illegal immigrant crisis at the southern border. Now radical Democrats are trying to have their cake and eat it too by allowing illegal immigrants to register to vote even as they talk tough about border security. Numerous people will probably fall for this double talk, but the Democratic grip on people’s minds seems to be slipping. If Musk and Kennedy recognized the Democrats radical agenda, then millions of their supporters must also recognize this agenda.

Kennedy Jr. is one of the most recognizable names in America exposing the U.S. government’s role in creating covid-19 and exposing the health dangers of mrna vaccines. He was condemned as an unhinged conspiracy theorist during the pandemic, but now it is widely acknowledged that much of what he said was right and that the U.S. government did help the Wuhan Institute of Virology create a hybrid virus. Now many people are taking Kennedy’s warnings about the U.S. National Institute of Health and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration more seriously. These deep state agencies have a lot to answer for; only Trump has a chance of actually holding them to account, and Kennedy has made a bold move to help.

In his book America Under Attack, my father, Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry, compares Barack Obama to Antiochus iv Epiphanes and cites 2 Kings 14:26 and Daniel 8:12 as prophecies that Obama and his supporters are trying to transform America into a radical dictatorship. “America is in the throes of an Antiochus regime that is rapidly driving the nation toward radicalism, socialism, amorality, class division, civil war and outright destruction,” he writes. “In 2 Kings 14:26, America’s affliction is very bitter, and the nation has no helper!”

Many liberals are waking up to this fact and realizing that Donald Trump is the only politician trying to preserve the American people’s constitutional freedoms. This is why God is using President Trump. He is not a particularly righteous man: He has sins he must turn away from like the rest of us. But God wants every American to have the time and opportunity they need to repent of their sins. So He has chosen to give our nation an unmerited pardon for that purpose. In Amos 7:8, God promises to spare end-time Israel one last time while he measures its people. Yet if the people refuse to repent and change during this period of unmerited pardon, God warns He will correct the nation by allowing its sanctuaries to be destroyed.

Since 2016, my father has taught that Donald Trump is an end-time antitype of the ancient Israelite King Jeroboam ii, who restored Israel to glory just before it was destroyed by the Assyrian Empire. Ancient Israel could have repented during the reign of Jeroboam ii and would have been spared this destruction. Sadly, they chose to continue in their sins. Now America has an opportunity to learn from this history, if they will only take it.

If you’re ready to face what you need to face and realize the individual accountability each of us has toward the God who made America great, request your free copy of America Under Attack.