The Greatest Threat to Election Integrity: Democrats

The Greatest Threat to Election Integrity: Democrats

Americans are hurtling toward the least secure election in their 248-year history.

The 2024 United States presidential election is underway! Election Day (November 5) is still eight weeks away, but early voting in many states begins this month. In the 2020 presidential election, 155 million Americans cast a ballot, and 70 percent of them did so prior to Election Day. Millions of mail-in ballots have already been distributed, and voting has already begun: The “war for ’24” is happening now.

Gone are the days when American citizens voted for their president and other top leaders on Election Day, had those votes counted, and learned the outcome on Election Day or the morning after. You’re living in a different America now.

Is early voting just a nice convenience, or is it much more consequential than that? Well, millions of adults are in this country illegally, and reliable estimates state that 10 to 27 percent of them are illegally registered to vote. So it is highly likely that 1 to 3 percent of the total ballots cast this year will be illegal. But Democrats are making it easier for non-citizen adults to cross the border and illegally cast votes. And the evidence is overwhelming that these illegal voters favor open-border Democrats.

This is not the party of election integrity. Yet Democrats are already planting the seeds to make election integrity a major issue—if Donald Trump wins.

Most Americans want a secure border and legal immigration, and now realize that this issue has become critical. Donald Trump has been emphasizing this exact issue since 2016, when many Americans still considered it a second-tier or third-tier issue. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have presided over the importing of millions of new illegal immigrants, and most Americans can see that. So the illegal voters that Democrats have on their side will be at least somewhat offset by a drop in support from legal voters.

What is a Democrat campaign strategist to do?

One part of the plan is the incredibly creative claim that the Democrat presidential nominee—the “border czar” vice president—is “tough as nails” on the border. But that’s only part of the plan: the part where Democrats try to sway voters (legal voters) who have short memories.

Another part also gets back to election integrity in a much different way. Here again, the Democrats are not exactly for election integrity. The initiative now underway is what you might call an “insurance policy” for what to do if the illegal voter demographic, the short-memory demographic and the rest of the Democrat voters wind up in the minority and and a majority of Americans elect President Trump. If that happens, the Democrats want to talk about “election integrity”—not illegal immigrant election integrity but “Russia, Russia, Russia” election integrity.

You read that right! The Biden-Harris regime announced a sweeping set of actions on September 4 to tackle an alleged Russian effort to influence the 2024 United States presidential elections. These actions include unveiling criminal charges against two Russian nationals, sanctioning 10 individuals and entities, and seizing 32 Internet domains. Is this move designed to stop false information from being transmitted to American voters, or is it designed to portray President Trump as an agent of Russia and Vladimir Putin?

If you feel like you’ve been here before, it’s because you can remember all the way back to 2016. That was when Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee indirectly paid Fusion gps to produce negative information about candidate Trump. Fusion gps failed to find anything incriminating and hired former British spy Christopher Steele to create a conspiracy theory. The now-infamous “Steele dossier” alleged that Trump engaged in disgusting activities with Russian prostitutes (the kind you would more associate with Hunter Biden), that the Russians were blackmailing Trump, and that they were helping his campaign so they could install a man they could control in the presidency.

Almost four years have passed since Steele wrote his collection of Trump-Russia memos, and none of his claims have been proved. In fact, investigations have revealed that the dossier contained lies that former Clinton aide Charles Dolan told Russian-American analyst Igor Danchenko to repeat to Steele. In other words, the Clinton campaign was not digging up horrible information about its political opponent; it was fabricating horrible information to plant on its political opponent. This information, dubious from the beginning, was tortured into a two-year Department of Justice investigation that largely obstructed half of the Trump administration and still produced no proof—not even an official allegation—that any Trump advisers conspired with Russian officials to affect the election.

How desperate were Democrats to resort to this tactic? How desperate must they be now? Donald Trump is a Russian asset trying to steal an election from the American people?

Yet here we are—again—with the leftist Department of Justice providing the seeds of accusation that can later be used by the leftist political-media complex to question the integrity of a Trump election victory and prevent or hinder his presidency.

It was Attorney General Merrick Garland and fbi Director Christopher Wray who announced on September 4 that Russia is trying to influence the U.S. presidential election through social media. Of course, these men think it is their personal responsibility to block information they disagree with from reaching American voters, so they are moving to censor “Russian propaganda” online—and to lodge this as an issue that can be used to sabotage President Trump.

Investigative journalist Matt Orfalea released a bombshell report last year that indicates the extent of Russia’s influence on American election integrity. He cited internal e-mails from Twitter (now known as X), showing that when the company’s executives reviewed the 2016 election and the 65 million active user accounts, they identified only 201 that were associated with Russia’s Internet Research Agency. Such a small number of accounts and whatever information they were able to provide, distort or undermine obviously had little bearing on the American people’s decision to elect Donald Trump. But leftist Twitter executives at that time and thereafter were colluding with leftists in the Department of Justice, fbi and cia, so they used the existence of such accounts to justify censoring conservative Americans.

The government’s plan was to slander conservatives as Russian agents so people would think the election was stolen, while it censored conservative ideas from the Internet. This strategy—along with more than a few other “election integrity issues”—stole the 2020 election from Donald Trump and allowed for the installation of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Trump is running again, he has tons of support again, and the Democrats are planning to use “Russia, Russia, Russia” to stop or hamstring his presidency—again.

The 2024 U.S. presidential election will likely be in limbo for weeks after Election Day as local officials wait for more mail-in ballots to trickle in. During this time of controversy, conservatives will of course want their elected representatives to investigate how many ballots came from illegal immigrants or other illegal sources. It looks like the Democrats are already planning to draw attention away from these concerns by talking about Russians on social media. It’s their go-to lie!

Most first-world nations ban mail-in ballots to prevent voter fraud, but America sends out millions of them, many to states with huge numbers of illegal immigrants—not to mention duplicate ballots, ballot harvesting, ballots from out of state, ballots from dead people, ballots with missing signatures, ballots that come in after the deadline and electronic ballots proven to be easily hacked. When it comes to election integrity, the Democrats’ actions and oftentimes even their rhetoric stridently support practices that make American elections vulnerable to fraud. You just can’t explain this unless those in power want widespread election fraud.

The 2024 election war is on. And Bible prophecy addresses this specific situation! The Bible prophesied the emergence of a strong leader, fulfilled by President Donald Trump, who will have to fight to regain the office that was stolen from him. In his article “What Will Happen After Trump Regains Power,” my father, Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry, explained that President Donald Trump was the legitimate winner of the 2020 election. He further said that the Bible prophesies Trump’s return to power, yet he “will have to fight for it. It doesn’t have to be military action, but it certainly could. President Trump could also lead some states to secede from the union.”

We don’t know exactly how this situation is going to play out, but the Democrats are gearing up for another election steal even as God says Trump will regain office. So prepare for election year chaos!

In Amos 7:8-9, God promises to spare the United States of America one last time so people have a chance to turn to Him. Yet other scriptures, such as 2 Kings 14:26-28, indicate that Trump will have to fight for his victory. The Democrat political-media-tech complex is against him. American spymasters are against him. Foreign adversaries are against him. President Trump—and America—needs a miracle.