Week in Review: Far Right in France, America’s Most Shameful Day and a Russia-China Union?

This week, Europe underwent more radical transformation, Russia alluded to an alliance with China, and more details were revealed about America’s shameful withdrawal from Afghanistan.

[00:21] Europe’s Personality Change

France finally has a prime minister. But it took the support of the fringe National Rally party to make it happen. That breaks a major taboo in France and could open the door for party leader Marine Le Pen to take even more power in France. Meanwhile, Germany is closing its borders and former European Central Bank head Mario Draghi released a report arguing that the European Union needs “radical change” or it could fall apart. This is leading Europe to a rapid fundamental transformation.

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He Was Right

[17:18] A Russian-Chinese Union?

Russian authorities said on Wednesday that Russia could combine with China in the near future if the two nations feel threatened by other powers. Could it really happen? Learn why Herbert W. Armstrong forecast this close alliance decades ago.

Why the Trumpet Watches Russia Allying With China

[27:33] Investigating America’s Most Shameful Defeat

A 350-page report into the Afghanistan withdrawal from the House Foreign Affairs Committee sheds more light on a dark aspect of the Biden administration. It gives more evidence that America’s defeat in Afghanistan was intentional, caused by those in the White House.

This Is Not Incompetence” from America Under Attack
October 2021 Philadelphia Trumpet

[44:01] The Crisis Presidential Candidates Won’t Debate

Donald Trump and Kamala Harris went head to head this week. But one of America’s most important crises did not figure at all in that discussion.

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