Trump Pledges to ‘Save Israel’

Donald Trump said he would “save Israel” from enemies in America and the Middle East if elected president. He was speaking at the Israeli-American Council National Summit in Washington, D.C., on Thursday.

Israel’s enemies: Trump argued that Democrats such as Barack Obama, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are all anti-Israel.

  • He described the Democrats as “the people that are going to destroy you.”
  • “Israel will not exist within two years if [Harris] becomes president.”

Concerning the left’s anti-Israel policies and Iran’s desire to destroy Israel, he said, “Israel will be wiped off the face of the Earth if I don’t win.”

Promise of support: Trump also reminded viewers of his moves to help Israel and hurt Iran:

Trump pledged to “make Israel great again,” saying, “The U.S election is the most important election in the history of Israel.” He told his supporters, “We have to save Israel.”

[M]y message today is very simple: If you want Israel to survive, you need Donald J. Trump as the 47th president of the U.S. … Under my leadership, America will once again stand shoulder to shoulder with our friend and ally, the State of Israel. Right now, all [America does] is fight the state of Israel. … I will support Israel’s right to win its war on terror, and it has to win it fast.

Prophesied support: The Bible prophesies that Donald Trump will return to the U.S. presidency and help Israel. Bible prophecy supports Trump’s claim that if he doesn’t return, Israel would be blotted out.

Learn more: Read Chapter 10, “Donald Trump Will War His Way Back,” in our free book America Under Attack.