Georgia Passes Major Vote-Counting Law

The Georgia State Election Board approved a rule on September 20 that many say will better ensure election security in this crucial battleground state.

The rule: This rule requires poll workers to count the number of paper ballots by hand before counting the votes. The procedure will go like this:

  1. Polls close.
  2. At each polling place, three workers will each count the paper ballots—not votes—until all three arrive at the same number.
  3. Workers will then count the votes to see who won the state.

If a scanner has more than 750 ballots inside, the poll manager can decide to start counting votes the next day.

Why? Amid concerns of election integrity from both parties, this rule is designed to make sure election officials know how many votes are cast in Georgia before they know who wins the state.

It will be impossible for a losing party to add illegitimate ballots after the count has started because the number of votes at the end would be higher than the number of ballots counted right after polls closed.

Approval: This rule passed 3–2 in the election board. Those who voted for it were praised by Donald Trump in Atlanta last month. Many Republicans support the rule.

Delayed count? But the ruling was opposed by Georgia Democrats and by Georgia’s attorney general and secretary of state. The attorney general argued that the ruling is not tied to any previous statute.

  • John Fervier, the board’s chair, voted against the ruling, saying it was made too close to the election and that it’s too late to train poll workers.

Many claim this will delay the counting process. But board member Janelle King says it could actually hasten the counting process—it will be harder for either candidate to combat the results.

Prophetic perspective: Bible prophecy (and strong evidence) proves that the 2020 presidential election was stolen. The Bible also reveals Trump will recover his presidential office. This ruling could help fulfill this prophecy.

Learn more: Read “Donald Trump Will War His Way Back” in Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry’s free book America Under Attack.