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Jew Hatred ‘at All-time High’ Since 1945 in Germany and Worldwide

A young woman holds a placard in support of Palestine.
Cristobal Basaure Araya/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images

Jew Hatred ‘at All-time High’ Since 1945 in Germany and Worldwide

“We have experienced a tsunami of anti-Semitism since October 7,” the German government’s anti-Semitism commissioner, Felix Klein, told the afp news agency. The Hamas attack had “further broken the existing dams with regard to anti-Semitism in our society,” he added. Open and aggressive anti-Semitism in all its forms is “stronger in Germany and worldwide than at any time since 1945.” Klein noted a worrying absurdity: On October 7, “more Jews were murdered than at any time since the Shoah.” Therefore it appears that hatred toward Jews only grows the more they are attacked.

Klein’s comments were extensively reported in the German media on September 25. But the warning will likely do little to stop the growing hatred.

Even before Israel was able to react to the October 7 attack, anti-Semitic crimes were soaring around the world. This shows “that ultimately, anti-Semitism has nothing to do with the behavior of Jews and also ultimately with the behavior of Israel,” Klein explained. Jewish life is currently “under more pressure than at any time since the Federal Republic of Germany was founded,” Klein lamented. “The dimension, the extent and the persistence of the anti-Semitic narrative are truly dramatic.”

The hatred even unites the seemingly most differing movements. “For example, I see climate activists or queer people trivializing Islamism, which is really, really worthy of criticism,” said Klein.

Jew hatred is also not limited to extremist groups. In addition to “classic German anti-Semitism of a right-wing nature,” Klein sees it increasingly in left-wing and Islamist milieus and even in the so-called middle of society. What gets increasingly forgotten is that the conflict is “between a terrorist organization that does not care about international law and a democratic state that wants to be measured by international law,” he noted.

Fueled by Lies

The hatred is further fueled by despicable media propaganda.

A recent example came from Germany’s ard on September 24. The public broadcaster aired the comments of a Lebanese doctor who accused Israel of committing “massacres of civilians and not military attacks” and claimed that “90 percent of the injured here are children.”

This would imply that Israel specifically targets children in the conflict. This is a ludicrous accusation, yet ard left the comment unchallenged. Even Lebanon’s Ministry of Health, which would also have reason to exaggerate the numbers, says that fewer than 10 percent of the victims are children. Israel works extremely hard to avoid civilian causalities. Meanwhile, the terrorists specifically seek them out. But the promoting of this kind of hateful propaganda has become commonplace in mainstream news.

Another recent scandal involved German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock, who has been traveling through the Middle East negotiating a peace deal between Hamas and Israel. Recently she invited anti-Israeli activists for dinner, people who routinely accuse Israel of the worst war crimes.

A Strong Warning

Whatever ideology, distorted worldview or lies are feeding the hatred toward Jews, we must recognize what a danger it poses, particularly coming from Germany.

Back in 2009, managing editor Brad Macdonald warned, “Call this 1930s-style anti-Semitism, if you will. And history shows that unless it is checked, it leads directly to Jews being gassed and tossed like worthless fodder into ovens, or what in hindsight might be called 1940s-style anti-Semitism.”

This warning is even more urgent today. On October 7, more Jews were murdered than at any time since the calculated mass killings of Jews in the Holocaust. That certainly was a taste of 1940s-style anti-Semitism. And until it is forcibly condemned and stopped—which nobody outside of Israel has proved willing to do—it will intensify.

Mr. Macdonald concluded: “History’s warning is thunderous and undeniable: Pre-World War ii trends in Britain, America and Europe show that anti-Semitism is a barometer of crisis!”

Jesus Christ warned that the spirit of hatred leads to murder. Judging by the surge of hatred in our world alone, we are heading toward the greatest crisis in human history.

Anti-Semitism is one of the strongest and most enduring forms of hatred. But the Bible reveals that God will intervene put an end to this unhinged hatred. As Mr. Macdonald explained:

Two prophecies in particular, one in Hosea 5, the other in Zechariah 14, indicate anti-Semitism—manifested in an intense hatred for the Jewish state and a burning desire to purge Jews from Jerusalem—will play a central role in end-time events. Thankfully, these events are prophesied to immediately precede the return of Jesus Christ to this Earth! His government will finally put a stop to all racial prejudice (Acts 10:34).

Read our trends article “The One Minority Society Loves to Hate” to learn more about this seemingly inexplicable hatred and what the Bible reveals about it.

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