Record Number of Chinese Warships Enter Philippine Waters


More Chinese ships entered the West Philippine Sea from September 17 to 23 than in any previous monitoring period on record, the Philippine Navy reported on Tuesday.

Why it matters: This illustrates China’s increasing aggression and determination to dominate the South China Sea and other parts of Asia. This determination is intensifying as leaders perceive America’s influence fading and opening a power vacuum for them to fill.

Details: The Philippines logged 251 Chinese ships in waters belonging to the Philippines in a single week. Of these, 204 came from the Chinese Maritime Militia, 28 from the China Coast Guard and 16 from the People’s Liberation Army-Navy. This breaks the previous record of 207 ships, set from September 3 to 9.

The Philippine Navy’s report comes at the same time as a separate report of 11 Chinese ships entering the West Philippine Sea’s Escoda Shoal—another record.

Prophetic perspective: The Bible foretold the decline of American power and the subsequent rise of China. It warns that the consequences of America’s decline and China’s aggressiveness will negatively affect the whole world.

Learn more: Read “China Is Steering the World Toward War.”