Chinese Hackers Breach U.S. Telecom Firms

A group of Chinese government-linked hackers breached multiple major American telecommunications firms in a likely search for sensitive national security information over the past few months, the Wall Street Journal reported Saturday, citing multiple anonymous sources.

Why it matters: Much of America’s military might relies on technology. Vulnerability to enemies in this area could cause disaster for the United States.

Details: Officials still don’t know what information the hackers obtained. Two of the sources believe they may have accessed wiretap warrant requests. The targets included AT&T, Lumen and Verizon.

U.S. telecom firms hold vast amounts of data on customers. This data is sometimes requested for criminal investigations. The sources believe the hackers may have had access to this data, which would be a major national security threat.

All three companies refused requests for comments from the Wall Street Journal. Companies are usually required to share information on such intrusions. In rare cases concerning national security, however, federal authorities can exempt a company from this requirement.

Prophesied weakness: Bible prophecy shows that America’s extreme reliance on vulnerable technologies will play a role in weakening the nation and leaving it prey to other types of attacks.

Learn more: Read “China Hacks America—and ‘None Goes to Battle.’