As Crises Intensify, Fix Your Mind on This Hope

A resident walks as debris is cleared in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene on September 29, 2024 in Old Fort, North Carolina.
Melissa Sue Gerrits/Getty Images

As Crises Intensify, Fix Your Mind on This Hope

The Southeast United States has just suffered massive damage and tragic deaths from two hurricanes in a row. Hurricane Helene struck from September 26 to 29 as a Category 4 storm. It dumped unimaginable volumes of water on six states and destroyed buildings and other property with winds blowing as hard as 140 mph. It killed more than 200 people, including 11 members of the same family.

I was in North Carolina days after Hurricane Helene moved through. I missed being with some people I had planned to see because they were blocked by destroyed roads and other damage. Millions were stranded and without electricity, fuel or a way to communicate.

Then came Hurricane Milton. This intensified to a superpowerful Category 5 storm in the Caribbean. Thankfully it weakened to a Category 3 and moved south of the heavily populated Tampa area before striking Florida last night. Many of the same areas that sustained heavy damage two weeks ago were hit again. In unusually powerful tornadoes produced by the hurricane, at least a dozen people were killed.

These weather disasters have truly been devastating. People in the United States are suffering.

Here is a sad reality: We are going to see a lot more suffering if people don’t turn to God in repentance. That is the truth of your Bible. And biblical prophecy warns how unimaginably vast the scale of the suffering is going to be.

However, the Bible also foretells that all these events are leading toward something spectacular. As crushing and devastating as tornadoes, storm surges and hurricanes are, believe it or not, this glorious future eclipses all of that in its magnificence and splendor. And it is going to happen. It is far more real than any of the terrible events that are closing in around us today. Compared to that future, the problems of our world will appear as a mere fantasy. The suffering of our people today is about to end and be forgotten!

Last Thursday, God’s Church commemorated the Feast of Trumpets, what the Jews call Rosh Hashanah. This is listed in Leviticus 23 as one of God’s annual holy days. That day points prophetically at the trumpet countdown described in the book of Revelation. This countdown involves the seven seals: false prophets, war, famine, pestilence, tribulation, heavenly signs and the seven trumpet plagues. Those last few trumpets are also called woes because they involve unparalleled suffering.

But all those terrible events are leading to the most wonderful event of all: the return of Jesus Christ!

I tell you, the suffering we are seeing now is the beginning—more so than any time I have seen. It is amazing what is happening before our eyes. It seems to me that all the really major prophecies are about to be fulfilled!

As the days grow darker, we need this prophetic vision to fill us with light.

One third of your Bible is prophecy. That prophecy tells you so much of what we need to know. The more you get into it, the more exciting it becomes. You begin to recognize that events in this world are pointing to a spiritual reality that is far more important than anything in this material world. It shatters your illusions and helps you see what truly matters in life!

Look beyond the corruption and corruptibility of this world. I want to point you to a hopeful vision of a new government led by God.

Hannah’s prophecy in 1 Samuel 2 is about the fulfillment of the Feast of Trumpets. It shows why this day is such a celebration. The Jews still read this chapter on the day of Trumpets.

Hannah said, “… I rejoice in thy salvation. There is none holy as the Lord: for there is none beside thee: neither is there any rock like our God” (verses 1-2).

God’s salvation is a wonderful thing to rejoice in! Nobody but God can save this world.

Right now, Satan the devil rules this world (2 Corinthians 4:4). That is why you see so much suffering in the world. We are living under the curses of the devil’s evil rule. But soon Jesus Christ will depose him and take His place as King of kings. At that time, He will set His hand to rule the whole world.

God is already enacting His grand plan to save all mankind. Right now, that plan involves calling only a small number of people (John 6:44; Luke 12:32). Those called out during this time are called God’s firstfruits (James 1:18). They will help Christ bring salvation to the rest of humanity, all people who have ever lived not knowing God! (Revelation 20).

Hannah’s prophecy talks about how God will use these people to help save the world: “He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth up the beggar from the dunghill, to set them among princes, and to make them inherit the throne of glory: for the pillars of the earth are the Lord’s, and he hath set the world upon them” (1 Samuel 2:8). Wow! The whole world will be set upon these pillars—speaking of these firstfruits saints!

No political party, no human government or other human institution can bring about what these prophecies foretell! As the disasters around us increase, I urge you to dig into God’s Word, and to fix your mind on the great hope it offers.

A great place to start would be a short booklet written by the late Herbert W. Armstrong, called Pagan Holidays—or God’s Holy Days—Which? It explains the meaning behind the day of Trumpets and all the other annual holy days that illuminate God’s master plan for mankind.