German ‘Dismantling’ Base Restores Tanks Instead

A German base and facility designed for dismantling tanks is expanding and restoring the tanks instead, according to analysis of osint satellite imagery published by Just BeCause on October 9.

Expansion: The satellite imagery shows the Koch Battle Tank Dismantling firm in Rockensußra has built several new buildings in the years since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine began. The main building appears capable of hosting up to 10 vehicles for repair and maintenance.

The pictures also show more and more new tanks and other armed vehicles showing up to the facility for maintenance. The central part of the base is significantly busier than before and full of dismantled Leopard 1 tanks, Marder ifvs, engines and other parts.

More tanks: Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has prompted Germany to ramp up its military production, including producing and repairing tanks. The country is working with France to produce a new tank. Its largest arms company, Rheinmetall, opened a facility in Ukraine to repair older tanks.

This latest report indicates that dismantling firms are being repurposed to make Germany war ready.

Militarization: Watch as Germany continues to expand and reinforce its military. The Bible reveals it will soon lead a revived, militaristic European superpower.

To learn more, read “Germany’s Astonishing Military Rise.”