Russian Drones Hunt Ukrainian Civilians in Horrific ‘Human Safari’

Each day, hundreds of Russian drones carrying grenades or other explosives are hunting down civilians in the Ukrainian city of Kherson in a horror movie-like “human safari,” the Telegraph reported on October 5.

Indiscriminate damage: Multiple civilian casualties are reported daily in the region, with half of all civilian casualties since July being attributed to drone strikes. Some suburban neighborhoods are 90 percent destroyed.

Russian drone operators are attacking indiscriminately, targeting children playing in parks, emergency workers, humanitarian aid trucks as well as all civilian vehicles. Russian Telegram channels openly declare any moving vehicle a legitimate target.

And the number of such attacks is growing. In August, some 100 attacks were carried out each day. Now the daily number is regularly above 300. September 9 alone saw a record 554 drone attacks on the civilian population.

Sickening strategies: Footage published by journalist Caolan Robertson on October 8 shows the nightmarish drone attacks happening throughout the night. Some videos show drones blowing up windows of apartment buildings, allowing a second drone to fly in and target people inside the apartment.

Another increasingly common tactic has been dubbed the “double tap”: Once a drone explodes in an area, Russian drone operators will wait for civilians and rescue workers to respond to the scene and then send in another explosive drone to cause maximum damage.

Monstrous intent: As there are no notable military targets in the area, it appears the goal of these attacks is to spread fear among civilians. The attacks reveal the true nature of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry wrote in the March 2017 Trumpet:

This man is not just an authoritarian leader! He is an evil, ruthless, vindictive agent with Soviet-style methods of psychological warfare, assassination and war! … This is a man with beastly power and with a beastly desire to rule the world! He is a vengeful, monstrous friend of the devil with all sorts of anti-God policies. He is steeped in secrecy, deception, manipulation, aggression, intimidation, coercion and force; and there is far more about him that we do not know.

To learn more about Putin’s “anti-God policies” and his biblically prophesied role in future events, read Mr. Flurry’s free booklet The Prophesied ‘Prince of Russia.’