Iran to Triple Its Military Budget


Iran plans to triple the country’s military budget this year as part of a new budget proposal, Iranian government spokeswoman Fatemeh Mahjerania said on October 29.

In response to Israel: This announcement comes on the heels of Israel’s recent retaliatory strikes against Iran for its October 1 missile attack. These strikes took place early Saturday morning, October 26. They targeted missile manufacturing sites and aerial and antiair arrays in at least six different Iranian provinces.

According to the Telegraph, Iran informed Israel through a third-party source that it would not respond to the strikes. However, its 200 percent military budget increase shows Iran does not plan to slink away quietly.

Bigger picture: Iran is pushing its weight around in the Middle East, and we can expect that aggression to expand, particularly into Europe. This military spending increase is a substantial step in that direction.

Learn more: For more information about Iran’s prophetic role in your Bible, read Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry’s free booklet The King of the South.