Follow This Man’s Faith

Follow This Man’s Faith
Four years ago, Donald Trump appeared to be finished. He had suffered an unprecedented election fraud coup, all legal appeals were rejected, congressional debate was thwarted, loyalists proved disloyal, and enemies swept back into power. Critics both Democrat and Republican rejoiced, pundits wrote his political epitaph, and everyone said he was cooked.
Everyone, that is, except Gerald Flurry.
For years now, the Trumpet’s publisher has consistently said Trump will be in office when specific prophesied events occur. After Joe Biden was declared the 2020 victor, Mr. Flurry, knowing those events had not yet occurred, wrote “Why Donald Trump Will Remain America’s President.” Five days after Biden’s inauguration, he published “Why I Still Believe Donald Trump Is Coming Back.” For four years he continued to assert that prophecies in 2 Kings 14 and Amos 7 mean Trump would return.
Mr. Flurry staked his reputation, and that of this publication and organization, on this forecast. Why? For this extraordinary reason: because Bible prophecies are sure, because God gives Mr. Flurry their true explanation, and because Mr. Flurry steps out in faith to proclaim them and act on them.
Donald Trump’s decisive election victory showed God’s power and validated Bible prophecy. It also confirmed, as have many other events over the past nearly four decades, that Mr. Flurry knows what he is talking about.
This man has stepped out in bold, Bible-based faith repeatedly, making specific forecasts and bold decisions based on Bible prophecy. When Herbert W. Armstrong died and the new leaders of the Worldwide Church of God began changing his teachings, Mr. Flurry left. Shunned and condemned, he stepped out in faith to begin a church with 12 members, $80—and his refusal to compromise with the truth.
Mr. Flurry stepped out in Bible-based faith to begin printing Mystery of the Ages and other books by Mr. Armstrong. He fought a six-year copyright infringement battle, lost in appellate court, received an injunction to halt distribution of Mystery of the Ages, and awaited a trial to determine how much to pay in damages to the wcg. The pcg was on the precipice of bankruptcy. Yet he stated: “I prophesy to you that, one way or another, God will provide a way for us to mail that book again.” Mr. Flurry knew God had inspired what Mr. Armstrong had taught and had inspired his goal to take it to “the largest audience possible.” As Habakkuk 2:4 says, “[T]he just [one] shall live by his faith,” and God’s true Church followed that faith.
Suddenly, the wcg agreed to settle the case and sell the pcg full copyrights. It was a miraculous victory that vindicated everything Mr. Flurry had said and done. (Request your free copy of Raising the Ruins to read this incredible story, along with a copy of Mystery of the Ages.)
It was insight from God into the prophecies of the Bible that prompted Mr. Flurry to break from the wcg, to fight for Mystery of the Ages, to raise up projects and institutions from nothing—which have since grown along the same pattern as Mr. Armstrong: the Key of David television program, now in hundreds of markets and on national cable networks; a large print and online publishing work; several international offices; a magnificent auditorium dedicated “to the honor and glory of the great God”; a youth camp; a college; a K-12 academy; a cultural foundation; a biblical archaeology institute in Jerusalem. All these have required stepping out in faith based on directives from Scripture.
On top of all these, there have been a string of prophecies Mr. Flurry has drawn attention to over the 34 years of the Trumpet magazine’s lifespan that have proved accurate: identifying Iran as “the king of the south”; recognizing that the Apostle John’s statement about “the last hour” was prophecy for today; warning that the radical left was seizing control of the Democratic Party when everyone else saw politics as usual; warning that the devil was using Barack Obama to destroy America from within; identifying Donald Trump as an end-time type of Jeroboam whom God is using to save America; recognizing the peculiar threat posed by Vladimir Putin; seeing the hidden danger in Germany; forecasting Iran’s losses in Gaza, Lebanon and Syria; and the list goes on. In passages where others see little to nothing relevant—Genesis 49, 2 Kings 14, Psalm 83, Isaiah 40, Daniel 8, Amos 7, Habakkuk 2, Matthew 24, 1 John 2, Revelation 12—Mr. Flurry sees prophecies to be acted upon. That is because he is the man God is currently using to reveal the meaning of these crucial end-time prophecies.
For more than 27 years, I have interacted with Mr. Flurry professionally and personally, and it has been inspiring to see him lead this work of faith. I’ve seen the way he conducts meetings, makes decisions, resolves problems, and works to let Jesus Christ lead him. And time and again, I have seen him walk by faith, confidently following Scripture even when physical evidence appeared contrary.
Hebrews 13:7 tells us to follow the faith of such a man. The Revised Standard Version reads: “[C]onsider the outcome of their life, and imitate their faith.”
“So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (Romans 10:17). Real faith is grounded in the Bible and its promises. Mr. Flurry is an example of that. He is the “just one” who lives by his faith and leads a work of faith. This is an example that you can follow in your own life. If you want God to fill your life with stunning miracles and exciting growth, believe God, and walk by faith. As 2 Chronicles 20:20 says, “… Believe in the Lord your God, so shall ye be established; believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper.” Experience the spiritual confidence and power that comes from living by bold, Bible-based faith!