Was This Book Forecast in the Bible?
Was This Book Forecast in the Bible?
You have personally witnessed the greatest nation in world history succumb to a nation-threatening attack. Though outside enemies are abetting it, the worst attack has been from within the nation. The morals, traditions, institutions, example and hope of America have succumbed to self-destruction, hatred, wretchedness, perversion, treason and wickedness.
Why? The nation and the world wanted an answer. Many journalists, politicians, historians and preachers tried to explain this crisis. But the confusion continued—along with the deception, dividing, race-baiting, law-breaking, drugging, immigrating, invading, stealing, spying, censoring, entrapping, jailing and tyranny.
In the middle of the madness was published one small booklet with a straightforward and striking title. From its first edition in 2013, it claimed that America was special for reasons even Americans did not understand and that an evil spiritual force was now targeting its last remaining connections to God in a new, more intensive way. In 2022, it was expanded to a full book, and further expanded and published in hard cover, in 2023, to show clearer than ever how this force was using one specific individual to destroy America from within, from the top.
America Under Attack gives detailed, concrete explanations of Bible prophecies and connects them to events in Washington, D.C., across the nation and around the world. These explanations name names. They are so detailed, personal and time-sensitive as to be easily dismissed if they did not come to pass. But they did. For example, Barack Obama is now recognized as an anti-American destroyer, and Donald Trump is now back in power.
As many of its readers have said, America Under Attack made the madness make sense. And it was published years before its forecasts proved true. It provides the answer—an answer that went straight into not only the Bible but the true God, the true meaning of unknown prophecies, and even the true history of His one true Church. It provides clear, bold explanations of Bible passages from 2 Kings to Daniel to Amos to Revelation.
And now it emerges that this important message, America Under Attack, was itself prophesied to be delivered! You need to read, to test, to prove and to know the importance of this book, and God has provided a way.
Request your free copy of the booklet that explains God’s message to America in crisis.