With Assad Out, What’s Next for Syria?
Syrian dictator Bashar Assad’s government has been overthrown. Russia and Iran are shocked. The whole world has been astonished at how fast these events took place. Rebels were able to do in 13 days what they have not been able to do in more than 13 years.
Listen to the commentators and you see that they not only didn’t expect this but also have no clue what will happen next. But the Bible prophesied this drastic change in Syria—and it also reveals what will happen next.
Earlier this year I gave a Key of David program that went online on May 15. In the related article, I stated:
What will happen when Bashar Assad no longer rules Syria? Russia is propping him up as dictator, making slaves of the people. Millions have already emigrated out of the country—many of them into Germany.
Controlling Syria gives Russia and Iran a naval and air force base on the strategically vital Mediterranean Sea. When Germany allies with Syria, Russia and Iran will lose this advantage.
Iran is losing Syria to Germany. It is happening right now!
When some indications emerged that Assad would be willing to break away from Iran, I wrote in our August Trumpet issue: “Bible prophecy is clear: With or without Assad, Syria will break with Iran and ally with Germany!”
Virtually no one else was talking about anything dramatic happening there, and many other important events were happening elsewhere. The only reason I was putting so much emphasis on Syria was because of Bible prophecy! It shows you just how valuable prophecy is in understanding world events.
And in hindsight, it is clear God was inspiring this focus—and for an important reason.
The Bible Reveals the Outcome
Back in 2012, after one year of a raging Syrian civil war, I wrote, “The eyes of the world are fixed on this explosive hot spot. Bashar Assad will be ousted shortly—but then what? You can actually know the outcome!”
While we don’t always know the exact timing of these prophecies or how exactly they will unfold, they do give us clear guidance on what to watch for. And as events play out, our understanding of those prophecies gets more detailed.
Many nations wanted to see Assad gone, but nobody knows what kind of government will replace him. Geopolitical commentator Ian Bremmer said: “Your guess is as good as anyone’s else’s.” The “Arab Spring” of 12 years ago has destabilized much of the Middle East and resulted in a range of outcomes and a dangerous level of volatility. Most of the countries involved have lurched toward radicalism.
World leaders and news commentators cannot tell you in advance where this crisis will lead. But you can know Syria’s future if you read what we have been writing, based on the Bible, for the past 80 years.
Syria is one of the most complex hot spots on the planet. However, what I wrote in 2012, I can write again today:
What we are seeing right now in Syria is a major biblical prophecy in the process of being fulfilled! What happens in Syria will lead to mighty nations changing course and the foundations of this world being shaken!
Did you know that the book of Psalms prophesies the future of Syria? This nation is an important part of the balance of power in the Middle East, and Psalm 83 prophesies that there is about to be a dramatic, violent shift in Syria’s alliances. This will affect many nations and ultimately lead to an all-out war breaking out all over the Earth!
This prophecy reveals the outcome of the uprising in Syria. It also exposes the key involvement of a major outside nation—something we can already see developing.
This is not an understatement! The ousting of Assad has shocked the world—but that is just the beginning of this prophesied dramatic change!
Watch Germany
According to Psalm 83, Syria and several other Arab states will be allied with Turkey and Germany. This is very different from another alliance described in Bible prophecy led by Iran. These two confederations are opposed to one another. (Read Chapter 4 of my free booklet The King of the South for a detailed explanation.)
In my 2012 article about Syria, I wrote: “America has been too weak to tame Iran and neutralize its allies, but Germany is moving in and filling that power vacuum. The whole world ought to be watching what Germany is doing in the Middle East.”
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen wrote on December 8, right after Assad’s fall, “Europe is ready to support safeguarding national unity and rebuilding a Syrian state that protects all minorities.”
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz stated, “Today we stand with all Syrians who are full of hope for a free, just and safe Syria. A political solution to the conflict in Syria is possible. With international partners and on the basis of the resolutions of the [United Nations] Security Council, Germany will make its contribution.”
We can expect Germany to get a whole lot more involved—but probably not under Scholz, who is on his way out.
In my article “Iran Is Losing Syria to Germany,” I show what prophecy reveals will happen next. While all eyes are on Syria, and as Iran and Russia lose their stronghold, closely watch Germany.
There is a lot of talk right now about Germany returning hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees to Syria. The other important factor is that Syria needs other countries to help in its reconstruction. Neither Iran nor Russia is in a position to help rebuild the devastated country. United States President-elect Donald Trump has indicated that he doesn’t want to get involved. But Germany has prepared for years to intervene.
Germany enjoys great favor in Syria. It also has the economic means to rebuild Syria’s cities. The million-plus Syrians who live in Germany would support that rebuilding process.
In 2018, Volker Treier, then head of foreign trade at the Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce, told n-TV.de that German industry was just waiting for the political “starting signal.” “We have repeatedly received cautious inquiries from our member companies about Syria,” he said. “Once the war is over, the German economy is generally prepared to help with the reconstruction of the country.”
Germany has several key advantages over others that would like to get involved in Syria. One million Syrians currently live in Germany as a result of the civil war. That is about 5 percent of Syria’s entire population! Many of these refugees, who do want to return home, want an alliance with Germany, not Iran. This is an important factor to consider.
The German Bundeswehr website states about these Syrians: “Many have educational qualifications that are well above the Syrian average. They have often gone on to obtain even higher qualifications in Germany. It is right to speak of Syria’s ‘future generation.’ In Berlin and Damascus, there is likely to be great interest in being able to use their strength, skills and contacts for Syria on Reconstruction Day. …
“For the German economy, the personal contacts and close ties of many Syrians with their home country could become important door openers for new business relationships. This would give them a clear advantage over their international competitors when it comes to awarding contracts for reconstruction aid.”
We can expect Germany and Syria to form an alliance shortly.
Prophecy is clear that there is going to be a spectacular clash in the near future between Germany and Iran (my free booklet The King of the South explains this). Germany is now actively working to oppose Iran in the region. In so doing, it is building the Psalm 83 alliance, which includes Syria. This alliance is about to clash militarily with Iran!
After Germany conquers Iran, it will, together with the moderate Arabs, have control over all of these nations that were allied with Iran. This will stagger the world in many ways. People will begin to see what kind of a superpower Germany has become.
Dramatic events this past weekend in Syria caused the world to lurch toward the fulfillment of this and several other prophecies. Prophecy is the key to understanding the true importance of world events. Keep watching the Trumpet to remain abreast of these developments as they unfold before our eyes.