From Mug Shot to Man of the Year

President-elect Donald Trump speaks at a reception at the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) after being named TIME’s “Person of the Year” for the second time on December 12, 2024 in New York City.
Spencer Platt/Getty Images

From Mug Shot to Man of the Year

Trump derangement syndrome just doesn’t sell.

President Donald Trump truly has accomplished the greatest comeback in American political history. Six months ago, media executives and their journalists were literally trying to get Mr. Trump sentenced to jail time. Now he is Time magazine’s 2024 Person of the Year.

The cover photograph of Trump is striking, literally portraying him in a favorable light. What a contrast to his 2016 Person of the Year cover—which portrayed him as more of a dark figure, not to mention the “M” in Time evoking devil horns—or some of the other 43 Time covers that have characterized him as, for example, a melting orange blob.

The Time covers appeared behind the president-elect when he became the first president since Ronald Reagan to ring the New York Stock Exchange opening bell on December 12, and chants of “U.S.A.!” rang out from the trading floor.

How times have changed.

It will be a few weeks before Mr. Trump takes the oath of office, but in many ways the nation and the world are acting like he is president now.

“Biden has effectively disappeared from the radar in the wake of Democrats’ bruising electoral loss,” Politico reported on December 9. “Since November 5, he’s largely stuck to prepared remarks, avoided unscripted public appearances or press questions and opted to sit out the raging debate over Donald Trump’s victory, policy conversations in Congress and the Democratic Party’s future. … Biden’s low profile since the election has contributed to the sense of rudderlessness that’s taken hold across swaths of Washington, as lawmakers, aides and party officials brace for Trump’s return to power and seek a new direction and vision ahead of the midterms and 2028.”

Joe Biden has been America’s “incredible shrinking president” ever since he lost a public debate with Donald Trump on June 27, but something else has changed since Mr. Trump’s landslide electoral victory. The American people are not just rejecting Biden as a senile old man incapable of governing the nation. They are rejecting the Barack Obama agenda.

“Obama has occupied an enviable place in the magic circle of celebrity since his first election in 2008,” American Greatness reported. “It persisted through Donald Trump’s first term and for most of Joe Biden’s. There were signs that Obama’s star was fading during the later stages of Kamala Harris’s disastrous campaign. Trump’s resounding victory on November 5 crystallized the eclipse. … The age has fallen out of love with Obama and all that he embodies: the woke racialism, the imputation of white guilt, the suspicion of the free market and American power, the active ‘suppressing votes or politicizing the armed forces or using the judiciary criminal justice system to go after opponents.’”

Speaking at a “Democracy Forum” earlier this month, Obama blamed Republicans for “weaponizing” the Department of Justice in order to steal elections. Yet his words rang hollow as the nation ignored his blatant attempt at projection. The Russia collusion hoax has been exposed, and millions of people are waking up to Obama’s roll in tearing down America.

What a change! How can you explain it? Amos 7 is the key. My father, Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry, has explained this as a prophecy for the end time, specifically regarding Barack Obama and Donald Trump.

Amos 7:1-6 describe a time when the nations descended from ancient Israel (which includes the U.S.) are about to be blotted out. Two times Amos pleads with God for mercy, and God spares. Verse 7 conveys a change. The leader involved is King Jeroboam ii, and my father has said—emphatically and consistently—that the end-time fulfillment of this king is Mr. Trump.

“When you understand who the modern fulfillment of Jeroboam is, the fact that the first part of this chapter is discussing Barack Obama is clear,” he wrote in the September Philadelphia Trumpet. “But it is conspicuous that this man is never mentioned directly in the prophecy, though that is exactly who it is talking about. Why the omission? I have come to realize that the reason God does not mention this modern-day type of Antiochus in this passage is that He is beginning to silence this man! Barack Obama’s power is diminishing before our eyes. … A big part of silencing Obama will be the return of Donald Trump to the presidency, which I have forecast ever since the 2020 election coup.”

This was written before Mr. Trump’s landslide victory! We can now see that this forecast is being fulfilled. In just six months, Mr. Trump has gone from mug shot to man of the year—and he hasn’t even taken office yet. So expect big changes in the nation. God has used President Trump to save America from destruction—temporarily—so we have the opportunity to learn about, admit to, and repent of our sins. We desperately need this last chance!