Washington Post Cartoonist Darrin Bell Arrested on Child Pornography Charges


Darrin Bell, the first African-American to win the Pulitzer Prize for editorial cartoons, was arrested on January 15 after the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children discovered 134 videos of child pornography linked to one of his accounts. Bell is being held at the Sacramento County Jail on $1 million bail until his trial.

More than 1,000 people are arrested in the United States on child pornography charges each year, but Bell is especially noteworthy. The 49-year-old was famous for accusing United States President Donald Trump of being a rapist and a groomer.

In October 2020, Bell posted on X: “Donald Trump, like his friend Jeffrey Epstein, is a predator who grooms his victims.” In February 2024, he wrote that Trump was ” a racist, treasonous, autocrat-admiring career criminal and rapist.”

Infected by sin: How deep does the perversion in America go?

  • The current president’s own son, Hunter Biden, is known to have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on drugs, prostitutes and sex club memberships.
  • Video footage has been posted of homosexual acts inside the U.S. Capitol.
  • Dozens of high-end political, military and business leaders have been implicated in elite brothels around Boston.
  • A candidate for office in Virginia openly sold pornography of herself.
  • Companies like Walt Disney are sexualizing children in their media.

Rank perversion, wickedness and sin have infected our society and the leaders it has produced. Yet the media response to these scandals tends to focus exclusively on Donald Trump.

Exposed: God wants this sordid world of perversions exposed so the American people can see just how far they have fallen from the pure standard set for us in the Bible.

God told the Prophet Ezekiel in a vision to peer into what the elites of his day were doing inside the halls of power (Ezekiel 8:10-12). The ancients, or elders, “of the house of Israel” were engaging in vile practices “in the dark,” where the people couldn’t see them.

This does not necessarily mean sexual perversions, though many of America’s leaders have gone to extraordinary lengths to hide the sexual perversions they engage in. America’s leaders are doing abominable acts in the dark corridors of power.

Learn more: Read “The Problem Is Far Bigger Than Epstein.”