The ‘Dictator’ Who Shrinks His Own Government
“President Donald Trump has just become the first fascist in the history of humankind to use his despotic powers to reduce the size of the government.” This satirical quip from the Babylon Bee was meant to be funny. Yet it accurately highlights the cognitive dissonance of the radical leftists. After 10 years of warning the American people that Mr. Trump is a fascist dictator akin to Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini, corporate media journalists are now telling us he is a threat to American constitutional democracy because he wants to clean up spending and transfer power over your life back to you and away from unelected bureaucrats.
As I often find myself saying on my Trumpet Daily program, “You just can’t make this stuff up!”
President Trump has been in office for less than a month, but he has already convinced 40,000 federal government employees to retire early, about 2 percent of the civil service. He is also closing the United States Agency for International Development (usaid) and putting 95 percent of its 10,000-plus employees on leave.
A federal judge is trying to stop some of these layoffs, but two recent Supreme Court cases (West Virginia v. Environmental Protection Agency and Loper Bright v. Raimondo) will likely make it easier for President Trump, the constitutional head of the executive branch, to continue reducing the number of unelected bureaucrats within that branch.
Elon Musk, whom president Trump has put over the Department of Government Efficiently (doge), publicly stated in a Wall Street Journal editorial that he plans to ally with the Supreme Court to reverse the decades-long sprawl of executive agency power. Fox News host Jessie Watters summed up Musk’s crusade this way: “Their plan for the ‘deep state’: Gut it all!”
Corporate media executives, who are themselves attached not-so-indirectly to this waste and abuse of taxpayer billions, are having their journalists portray this long-overdue removal of federal bloat as some kind of tragedy. They would have you think that usaid with its nice-sounding name spent its $40 billion per year on things like medicine for desperate Sundanese children. Not true. The money trail shows that millions and millions of dollars have been flowing to crazy initiatives like Iraqi Sesame Street and gift bags for illegal immigrants, as well as to radical organizations like Black Lives Matter and even to the radical-leftist billionaire George Soros.
The news media is furious because doge has exposed where the money has been going. And where has the money been going? Well, in some cases, directly from government agency bank accounts into news media bank accounts. One example is the $8.2 million paid directly by federal agencies to Politico for “pro” subscriptions that cost more than $10,000 per year.
President Trump wants to cancel suspicious subscriptions and money flows like these, get federal employees back to working in person (or accepting generous buyouts), and make the government work for the people rather than the other way around. So Ruth Marcus characterized what we’ve just experienced as “the most damaging first two weeks in presidential history” and wrote that “Trump’s second term is all about curtailing the government’s power and reach”—as if that’s a bad thing.
The corporate media is terrified that President Trump will cancel their lucrative arrangements with government bureaucrats. But their attempts to attack him are inadvertently exposing their own hypocrisy, pretense, deception and corruption.
When they wring their hands over these moves by President Trump, they tacitly admit that everything they said about “orange Hitler” was a lie. President Trump cannot be a dictator who weaponizes the government to tyrannize people and at the same time a slasher of government bloat and overreach. President Trump’s actions aren’t a threat to the average American. They’re a threat to the elites who hijacked the nation for their own power, profit and sick agendas.
It has been a long time since federal bureaucrats really felt what it is like to be managed by a duly-elected representative of the American people—and they hate it.
Corporate media talking heads called President Trump a would-be dictator to try to dissuade Americans from voting for him. Americans voted for him, he now has the power they warned us about, and he’s using it to reduce the dictatorial powers that the labyrinthine American bureaucracy has exerted over Americans—especially during the regime of Barack Obama. At this point, they’re not even really “pivoting” the narrative so much as they are asserting two self-contradictory narratives—both false.
The very people who warned us that Donald Trump is a dictator are now screaming that Donald Trump is trying to limit the power of unelected bureaucrats in the executive branch over which he has constitutional authority. This is obviously a last-ditch effort to maintain control, yet the Bible strongly indicates that it will fail and that President Trump—dogged so badly by deeply entrenched, disloyal, treacherous bureaucrats inside his own government during his first term—will ultimately get control of his divided government during his second.
In the August 2019 issue of the Philadelphia Trumpet, my father, editor in chief Gerald Flurry, explained that Donald Trump is an end-time type of the ancient Israelite King Jeroboam ii. Amos 7:12-13 describe this leader as supported by “the king’s chapel” and “the kingdom’s court.”
“In Washington, D.C., is the Supreme Court building, where judges are to interpret the law,” my father wrote in “Can President Trump Get Control of His Own Divided Government?” “In the same area are buildings for the cia, the fbi, the Justice Department, the State Department, the Pentagon and others. … It is logical this prophecy is talking about these government structures, or agencies. After all, if Jeroboam is going to be used to save Israel, he would need the law on his side. He wouldn’t be able to use the government like he needed to without the legal structure behind him.”
It is unrealistic for a newly elected president to gain control over 2.3 million bureaucrats, many of whom were appointed by socialist presidents like Barack Obama and Joe Biden. Therefore, Donald Trump will have to fire many more bureaucrats before he can successfully implement the agenda that the American people elected him to implement. So in a strange way, downsizing “the government’s power and reach” over the American people will give President Trump more “power and reach” over it, transforming it into a “kingdom’s court” backing Jeroboam.