Mickey Mouse Spin-off Teaches Palestinian Children Hate
The set is all large foam puzzle pieces of bright greens and fuchsia, and the main character looks a lot like Mickey Mouse. Giant numbers and hanging blocks dangle over the adolescent host, Saraa’, who wears a headscarf. It looks harmless enough, but this Hamas-sponsored children’s program includes more than the teaching of the alphabet and addition. Can you say “ak-47”?
After being trapped by Palestinian Media Watch, Hamas pulled the show for review. However, it was back on air within the week on May 11. The Hamas attempt to indoctrinate young children with a mouse-shaped mascot on a twisted Jihadi-Sesame Street demonstrates a hateful attitude being injected into Palestinian children’s minds.
Partway through one program, Farfur, the mouse, launches into a shrill anti-West harangue: “[W]e will liberate the Muslim countries, invaded by murderers.” In another program he yells, “We will win, Bush!” He reminds his viewers constantly that they must “resist” “Zionist occupation.” Children can call in and sing or recite their resistance poems for both Saraa’ and Farfur. One 12-year-old calls in and sings, “Oh Jerusalem, it is the time of death.” During the songs, Farfur dances and shoots an imaginary gun.
This television show combines information on a healthy diet with statements like, “I remind you that al-Aqsa [the mosque in Jerusalem] and the prisoners are a responsibility on our shoulders, and Allah will ask us on Resurrection Day what we gave for their sake.” This teaching, intended to instill a habit of hate, is aimed squarely at preschoolers.
Hamas doing its bit to raise another generation in an increasingly hostile and hateful environment is not good news for Israel. Will Israel be able to negotiate with a generation of Palestinians who feel a responsibility to liberate al-Aqsa from the time they learned to count? The next suicide bomber in Israel may do it for Muslim honor, he may do it for the al-Aqsa Mosque, or he could do it just because Farfur the Mouse told him to.