India, China Ink Friendship Treaty

Ng Han Guan/AFP/Getty Images

India, China Ink Friendship Treaty

India and China have put aside their differences and agreed to work together toward Asian integration.

The prime ministers of China and India signed a joint document on Monday outlining a shared vision for the 21st century. These two Asian giants, the world’s largest developing nations, constitute more than one third of humanity. Their joint declaration of friendship creates an alliance that will greatly magnify the global power of both nations.

This joint document, signed by India’s Manmohan Singh and China’s Wen Jiabao, outlines the resolve of these two nations to:

  • Create closer regional cooperation and integration between the nations of Asia
  • Promote bilateral cooperation in their civil nuclear programs
  • Increase technological cooperation in order to combat climate change
  • Enhance their trade relationship
  • Continue defense and military cooperation
  • Reach a mutually agreeable solution to their border dispute
  • Reiterate their joint stance that Taiwan is part of “One China”
  • This new treaty is a remarkable gesture of goodwill between historic rivals. These two nations that were at war in 1962 conducted their first-ever joint military exercises this past December to chants of “India and China are brothers!” by the Chinese army; the exercises went so well that India and China’s second joint military exercises will be held later this year.

    Trade between India and China has increased over 3,800 percent in the last 15 years from less than $1 billion in 1992 to 38.5 billion in 2007. With bilateral trade growing at an annual rate of almost 50 percent and with a new agreement to increase Sino-Indian trade by $20 billion over the next two years, China will mostly likely overtake the United States as India’s largest trade partner in a matter of months.

    The relationship between India and China has gone from cold to hot in a matter of 15 years.

    “India has been striving to strengthen relations with its Asian partners who are gathered under the umbrella of the East Asian summit,” said Indian External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee. “We believed such cooperation is economically logical and will help make this century, the century of Asia.”

    India has been reaching out to the nations of Asia in order to create a dominant Asian power bloc on the world scene. Now India is working together with China (and Russia and asean) to make this vision a reality.

    Plain Truth editor in chief Herbert W. Armstrong predicted for over 40 years that the nations of Asia, together with Russia, would cooperate to eventually form a gargantuan new superpower. Watch for it.

    For more information on a coming Asian super-alliance, read Russia and China in Prophecy.