Report: Quarter of New Yorkers Carrying Herpes Virus


Report: Quarter of New Yorkers Carrying Herpes Virus

Over a quarter of New York City adults are infected with the virus that causes genital herpes, according to a recent study released by the New York City Health Department.

This study found that 26 percent of adults tested were harboring Herpes Simplex-2 (hsv-2), a lifelong sexually transmitted infection. This shocking statistic is 7 percent higher than the national infection level of 19 percent. Infection rates were higher in women than in men, higher in blacks than in whites, and higher in homosexuals than in heterosexuals.

The Health Department reported that the New York City levels of infection for gonorrhea, chlamydia and infectious syphilis were also higher than the national average.

Sexually transmitted diseases have reached epidemic levels across the nation, especially in big cities like New York. The fact that over a quarter of New Yorkers have one specific std is proof enough to validate that assessment.

To find out what you can do to protect yourself and your family from this growing curse, read “Sexual Health: What Every High School and College Student Needs to Know” by Joel Hilliker, and Herbert W. Armstrong’s book The Missing Dimension in Sex.