Stoiber and Sarkozy Discuss the Economic Future of Europe

Bertrand Guay/AFP/Getty Images

Stoiber and Sarkozy Discuss the Economic Future of Europe

Will the current financial crisis push a new breed of leaders to the forefront of European affairs?

As Europe suffers through economic chaos, powerful men are working behind the scenes to ensure that the Continent emerges from this crisis more powerful than ever. One of these men is European Union Anti-Bureaucracy Envoy Edmund Stoiber, who met with current EU President Nicolas Sarkozy on October 20 at the Élysée Palace in Paris. At this meeting, Stoiber and Sarkozy discussed the economic future of Europe. Both agreed that the middle class was being overregulated by the bureaucrats in Brussels, while big businesses were operating under “too little” state regulation.

Stoiber proposed a plan that would reduce the amount of statistical information that 16 million small- to medium-sized enterprises have to provide to financial regulators. Sarkozy pledged his full support of the plan and emphasized that Europeans had to work together to push their economy forward.

As Stoiber put it: “Europe must settle the big questions and not the small ones.”

Whether or not this particular plan is enacted, the fact that this meeting between Stoiber and Sarkozy took place shows the potential of the current financial crisis to push a new class of politicians to the forefront of European affairs. Stoiber is widely regarded as the financial genius that transformed Bavaria from a backwater province to the technological hub of Europe. Leaders like Sarkozy and European Commission President José Manuel Barroso are already looking to him for advice on how to do the same with all of Europe.

As the economic state of Europe gets worse, watch for a new class of leaders to emerge as the Continent resorts to increasingly desperate measures. This current state of chaos could be just what it takes to push men like Edmund Stoiber to the front line of the European political scene.

For more information on Stoiber and his vision for Europe, read “Why You Should Watch Edmund Stoiber” by Gerald Flurry.