Britain Encourages EU to Crack Down on Imports From Israel

John Thys/AFP/Getty Images

Britain Encourages EU to Crack Down on Imports From Israel

Britain is taking the lead in cracking down on Israeli settlements in disputed territories. The UK circulated a note within the European Union that expressed concern that goods produced in settlements within the West Bank may be entering the EU after being illegally exempt from tariffs, in violation of an Israel-EU trade agreement.

The note, according to the Independent, also called for the EU to consider more stringent labeling rules for goods produced in settlements. Currently, many such goods are labeled as coming from the “West Bank,” which, the note argues, may give the impression the goods are of Palestinian origin.

“The move is intended to put pressure on Israel to halt the expansion of the settlements on the West Bank,” says the European Jewish Press.

Israel’s settlements, which some argue are illegal, receive a lot of attention from the rest of the world. Less noticed, however, are illegal Palestinian constructions in East Jerusalem.

While on the one hand Europe is trying to punish Israel with tariffs for having these settlements, they actually fund illegal Palestinian construction within East Jerusalem!

This duplicity shows an institutionalized anti-Israel bias that is especially prevalent within the UK government. Israel certainly has few friends in this world. Next time it gets into major trouble, it won’t be Britain and America that Israel turns to. It will be Germany.