Yes He Can!

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Yes He Can!

Change is coming to America.

There are those who think Barack Obama will actually be good for the Republican Party. Fundamentally, they say, America is a center-right nation. So a Marxist-style lurch to the left these next four years will awaken conservatism’s sleeping giant by 2012.

They couldn’t be more wrong.

America’s core ideals have been fundamentally liberal for the past two decades. And for the past two election cycles, those at the far left of the liberal movement have seized control of every lever of power in Washington.

President-elect Obama is not the beginning of a sharp turn leftward in American society. As John Judis wrote in the New Republic this week, Obama’s easy victory on Tuesday was simply “the culmination of a Democratic realignment that began in the ’90s, was held in abeyance by September 11, and had resumed in the 2006 election” (emphasis mine throughout).

Two years ago, remember, a radical leftist from San Francisco—who favors homosexual marriage, abortion rights, higher taxes, amnesty for illegal immigrants and appeasement and retreat in the war against terror—led the liberal charge across Capitol Hill, resulting in a Democratic sweep through both houses of Congress.

At the time, my father warned that those midterm elections “changed American politics forever.” The Democrats won, he explained, largely because of their antiwar platform. Their victory in 2006 raised the white flag of surrender before our enemies, my father wrote.

Within days of the Democratic sweep, Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, called the election a defeat for President Bush. He said, “Since Washington’s hostile and hawkish policies have always been against the Iranian nation, this defeat is actually an obvious victory for the Iranian nation” (Reuters, Nov. 10, 2006).

Responding to the ayatollah’s comments, my father wrote, “We are in a war against terrorism, and top terrorist leaders are rejoicing and celebrating with the Democrats. What is happening in America? What does this mean?” Later, he explained, “This election marks the final chapter for the United States.” He wrote,

We are about to see a tsunami of problems sweep over the world! …November’s election results prove we are witnessing the demise of American global leadership. President Bush will not be able to accomplish anything of substance again. Internal crisis and division will prevent the U.S. from conducting a respectable foreign policy.

Worse still, my father wrote, the 2006 elections “may have helped pave the way for this nation to have its first woman president”—a reference to Hillary Clinton.

As it turns out, it cleared the way for an administration that makes Senator Clinton seem conservative and hawkish by comparison. The United States of America has just elected the most radically liberal president in its history.

The Culture War

Even still, some conservative commentators see a bright spot in the rapid spread of the radically leftist ideology. While Barack Obama may have won decisively, they say, it wasn’t by a landslide. The reality is, however, as Stratfor noted on Wednesday, with the Democratic Party strengthening its hold on both houses of Congress, “Obama will have more control of the federal government on his first day in office than most presidents ever achieve in their entire tenure.”

Still, conservative commentators look for faint rays of hope by pointing to the three states that banned homosexual marriages on Election Day. America is morally “conservative”—right of center, as one talk show host said this week—because 52 percent of Californians voted to ban homosexual marriage.

Because barely half the country is against homosexual marriage—a position even Barack Obama held during his campaign—we are supposedly conservative to the core.

That same-sex marriage is even on the ballot illustrates how steep our moral slide has been over the past generation. Because of our increasingly gross immoral behavior, we continue to define deviance down, which is why our attitudes on social issues have shifted radically over the past generation. Quoting again from John Judis,

The Pew poll from March 2007 found that the percentage of Americans who believe that school boards should have the right to fire gay teachers fell from 51 percent in 1987 to 28 percent. Those who want to make it “more difficult” for women to obtain abortions dropped from 47 to 35 percent. Those who think that “it’s all right for blacks and whites to date each other” rose from 48 to 83 percent. The poll also found that 62 percent of the general population—and 83 percent of college graduates—disagreed with the notion that “science is going too far and hurting society.”These opinions had become prevalent in the 1990s; but September 11 and the fear of an imminent terrorist attack temporarily revived the conservatism of the 1980s, especially on social issues. … Today, however, seven years removed from September 11, liberal views have re-emerged with a vengeance. Now, the coming recession seems likely to push voters even further left.

Blue-state America has long since won the culture war—and by a landslide. It’s not change that America voted for on November 4. We voted the way we did because of how much America has changed.

That’s not to say Republicans are the answer—or that there will never again be a Republican majority. (For that to happen, though, “conservatives” would inevitably have to move much further to the left.) It just means our prophesied decline will further accelerate.

In the aftermath of the midterm elections two years ago, my father said America’s moral and spiritual crisis had “worsened dramatically.” If 2006 marked the beginning of the “final chapter” for the United States, 2008 is the point at which there is no return.

Point of No Return

When asked last week about the prospect of America being led by a radical leftist administration, Thomas Sowell, a black conservative author and senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, said,

There is such a thing as a point of no return. If, in those first two years, Iran gets nuclear weapons, we will be at that point of no return. …Sometimes people will … say, It’s just as well to let these guys get in there and discredit themselves—then we’ll win in the backlash. People said that when Hitler was arising in Germany and many of those people who said that died in concentration camps—which is a smaller tragedy than a nation dying ….

That is a frighteningly sober assessment, not unlike the warning we have been giving since mid-July. Our nation—indeed, this wholeworld—is dying!

Anciently, when pleading with God’s people to turn from their evil ways, there was always a point when the prophets of old altered their warning message from “repent before it’s too late” to, very simply, “it’s too late.”

There is such a thing, in other words, as a point of no return. In these latter days, we have now passed that point.

After repeated waves of destruction and death, however, God will restore hope to mankind and bring lifereal abundant living—to this dying world!

Universal prosperity and peace actually is coming to this Earth—just not by any movement or ideology established by man. Soon—for the first time in the history of the human race—all of humanity will experience what we have long desired. As promised repeatedly in the Holy Bible, Jesus Christ will return to this Earth to set up the administration of God’s family government and to implement a system of perfect laws that are designed to regulate human conduct.

Only one political movement, backed by awesome spiritual power, could ever bring this about. Only one being has the infinite wisdom—the perfect system of government and laws—to actually make utopia reality.

It is God who will bring about this all-encompassing, Earth-wide, transformative change that will result in a permanent state of utopian well-being.

God will do it because He wants to—and because He can.

Yes, He can!