Keep Hope Alive


Keep Hope Alive

Bad news is descending like a tidal wave. Here’s why you should hold your head high.

These nasty headlines are hitting home. Hard.

Perhaps reports of elephantine federal bailouts and rollicking national debt can seem like just a parade of numbers. News of rogue states acquiring wmds, or of governments collapsing in nations that possess nuclear weapons—huge as it is—still feels distant.

But when job losses wipe out whole towns, it’s hard to ignore the hurt. When retirement funds evaporate—when dreams must be postponed or scrapped—that cannot be dismissed. Home towns and military families weep when bad news from Afghanistan and Pakistan means more and longer deployments, or—worse—the loss of a friend, a son, a mate, Mom or Dad.

Hope deferred, the proverb says, makes the heart sick.

And as difficult as times are getting, they will get yet worse—far, far worse—before they get better.

Still, there is great cause to hold your head high.

World events are hurtling toward the greatest news story ever to occur: the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

You can know this because, in His Word, Jesus provided a detailed description of what would transpire globally just before this event. The Bible, in fact, contains dozens of major prophetic events to be on the watch for, and hundreds of additional events. Do you know why? Stop and think about it: Why would God prophesy in detail what would occur during this time leading up to the Messiah’s return?

Toward the end of His ministry, Christ delivered the tremendous Olivet prophecy, recorded in Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21. What was it about? It was His response to the disciples’ earthshaking question, “[W]hat shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?” (Matthew 24:3). In other words, the Olivet prophecy is Christ’s explanation of the world conditions that would precede His return.

Jesus began by describing the four horsemen of the apocalypse, which bring false religion and its attendant problems and conflicts, as well as wars, famines and disease epidemics (verses 4-8—compare with Revelation 6:1-8) and other horrific events (verses 9-11). He then spoke about a falling away within His own Church in this end time (verse 12)—which puts the time frame right into our day today (read “Breaking Ground” from Raising the Ruins, and request from us a free copy of Gerald Flurry’s book Malachi’s Message to God’s Church Today for a thorough biblical explanation).

Notice how closely tied in with these events are Christ’s admonitions for how to survive them: “But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved” (verse 13). According to Jesus, there will be people spared from these nightmares.

And then, verse 14: “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.” Right in the middle of this description is a prophecy about a work of God. Whether or not you believe it, this prophecy has already been fulfilled. Largely through the World Tomorrow television program and the Plain Truth magazine, Herbert W. Armstrong warned this world for over 50 years with an intense prophetic message. Now the Philadelphia Church of God, through the Key of David telecast and the pages of the Trumpet magazine, is prophesying again (Revelation 10:11)even more intensely, as fulfilled prophecy reveals we are that much closer to Christ’s return.

Then, in verse 30, we see what all these signs lead to: Jesus Christ’s return.

Yes, world conditions are bad, and getting worse. We at the Trumpet, as we report on that bad news, aim to focus on the connection between all the gloom and this most spectacular and hope-filled of all events.

Now, notice Christ’s admonition: “Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh: So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors” (verses 32-33). Christ says we must look out: We will know the end of this age and Christ’s return are near by watching as the specific signs He has given us are fulfilled step by step.

Why would God give us all these prophecies and then tell us to watch for them?

The primary reason is to serve as a warning. This is why the Trumpet shows how world events are fulfilling Bible prophecy. Some of our readers protest that we are too negative. We always try to show how all the bad news leads to the good news of Christ’s return. But we cannot shy away from the commission to warn (Ezekiel 33). God isn’t just going to spring these calamities on this world—He is giving plenty of warning.

Part of that warning message is God’s admonition to repent—to turn from the sin that is causing all these disasters: “Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel?” (Ezekiel 33:11).

Watch therefore,” Christ continued in Matthew 24, “for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come” (verse 42). We are told, individually, to watch. The parallel passage in Luke 21 concludes, “Watch ye therefore, and pray always“—and why?—“that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man” (verse 36).

To escape these nightmares coming on the world, we must watch and pray always.

What can happen to one who is not vigilant? Read verses 48 through 51 back in Matthew 24. Our attitude about Christ’s return—our urgency and excitement about those signs He has given us—has a direct relationship with our personal conduct. Looking for the day of Christ’s return gives us a perspective that should translate into a desire to seek God’s way of life. It gets our minds on the work God is doing on Earth today. It spurs us to actively prepare for what is coming (verse 46).

Current conditions make plain that the prophesied Great Tribulation is coming in this generation. The worsening of conditions is only beginning, and already more and more people are recognizing that something is dangerously wrong.

The worse events become, the more prone people will be to despair. But God tells us to maintain a broader perspective. As conditions decay, we must check the tendency to become depressed. Remember—always remember—where it is all leading: “And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh” (Luke 21:27-28).

Keep a posture of vigilant, hope-filled anticipation. The worse things get, the greater should be our hope. (Watch the Key of David excerpt at right, and read Gerald Flurry’s booklet The Epistles of Peter—A Living Hope.) The more vigilant we arethe more diligently we watch and praythe more filled with hope we will become. All is pointing toward the event this world so desperately needs.

Lift up your head—Jesus Christ is about to return!